Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1376

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XLV INE Congress-Continued Page Reports-Continued President of United States- Classification Act of 1949, recom- mendations respecting rates of compensation under --------- 971 Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, transfers of funds; ex- penditures and activities----- 72( Virgin Islands Corporation, emer- gency action---------------- 353 Securities and Exchange Commission, information on securities of Inter- national Bank for Reconstruction and Development ------------- 29 State, Department of- Broadcasting facilities, transferred, recommendations for disposi- tion----------------------- 408 Port-au-Prince Bicentennial Expo- sition, Haiti, U. S . participa- tion, expenditures ---------- 619 Treasury Department- Internal revenue refunds in excess of $500, repeal of requirement_ 669 Internal revenue refunds in excess of $200,000 ---------------- 669 War Claims Commission, personal injury and property claims, time extension for filing------------ 112 Congressional Cemetery, D. C ., appropria- tion for maintenance of portion owned by United States----------------- _ 845 Congressional Library. See Library of Congress. Congressional Record, appropriation for preparation of indexes ------------- 229 Coni, Jose Zubiri, admission for permanent residence------------------------- 1079 Connecticut: Bridgeport Municipal Airport, appro- priation for payment of claim---- 240 New Haven, declaration of designated waterway as nonnavigable water-- 609 Northeastern Interstate Forest Fire Pro- tection Compact, consent of Con- gress -------- __--- --- --- --- --- 271 Conradt, Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm (Ernst Henry Conradt), deportation suspen- sion -------- __


1248 Consolidated Western Steel Corporation, conveyance of certain shipyard facili- ties at Orange, Tex ---_ -- -- -- -- - - 951 Constantinidis, Aristides (Aris Contis), deportation suspension ------ _----_ 1230 Constitution of the United States, proposed amendment on election of President and Vice President; printing of addi- tional copies of hearings.- - -- -- - 1218,1252 Constitution of the United States of Page America, Annotated, appropriation for revision and extension ------------ _ 226 Consumers' Price Index, appropriation for revision ------------------------ _ 746 Contingent Expenses, Appropriation For: Army, Department of the ---------- _ 1003 Limitation on expenditures and obliga- tions ---------------------- _ 1025 House of Representatives ----------- 77, 221,231, 252, 738, 869 Interior, Department of the---------- 766 Justice, Department of -------------- 457 Navy, Department of the ---------- _ 1004 Post Office Department----------__ 247, 368 Senate ------- 76, 218, 252, 709, 738,974 Contract Settlement, Office of. See under Treasury Department. Contract Settlement Act of 1944, appro- priation for effecting provisions of- _ 357 Contracts With District of Columbia, con- struction work, retent on ---------- 493 Contracts With United States: Airports. See Federal Airport Act. Alaska Public Works Act, contracts under-- ---------------------- 629 Central Bank, Calif., waiver of com- pliance with designated require- ment-------------------------- 1132 Congress, Members of, exemption from prohibition on interest in certain-_ 456 Dutton, C. H ., Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., payment to-------------------- 1156 Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, contracts for purchase of strategic and critical materials under, au- thority------------------------ 54 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, contracts under------------------------- 393 General Engineering and Dry Dock Corporation, waiver of compliance with designated requirement ----- 1131 Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, authority under ------------- 715, 975 Public Buildings Act of 1949, contracts under------------------------ 198 Reclamation Project Act of 1939, con- tracts negotiated under, approval, execution authority----------_ _ - 62 Renegotiation Act, appropriation for refunds under ---------- 357, 364, 747 Renegotiation Act of 1948, procure- ment contracts, Department of Defense, made subject to -------. 1021 Royalty oil, termination, etc., of premi- um payments for, authority ------ 682 Star routes, transportation of mail by aircraft, authority of Postmaster General ---------------.------- 680 XLVI INDEX