Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1383

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Defense, Department of-Continued Pilots, percentage of enlisted men as, repeal of provisions-_ ------__ _ __ _ Prefabricated units, conditions for erection ---_- -__- -_-- -- _____-- _- Professional and scientific service, ad- ditional positions in _ - - -_ - ___ __ __ Property records and reports- __- ___- Property transfers between Depart- ments, authority -____ -- - -__ __- Proving ground for guided missiles, es- tablishment, transfer authority of Secretary of Defense ----------- Appropriation for ------ ___________ Public moneys, advances of, nonap- plicability of restrictions on ---- _ Quarters, limitation on construction costs --------- --- _-________--- Reductions in appropriations--------- Reimbursements, availability of------ Renegotiation Act of 1948, contracts for procurement made subject to --- Reports to Congress- Appropriation transfers and adjust- ments -__-_--------___-_---- Expenditures, work, and accomplish- ments ---------------------- Professional and scientific service, additional positions in--------- Property records--------- -------- Reductions in appropriations, deter- minations respecting ---------- Small business, American, participa- tion in furnishing of commodities and services ---------------- Transfer of functions ------------ Working-capital funds, condition and operations ------------------- Reports to President- Appropriation transfers and adjust- merits----------------------- Property records ---------- - -.. Working-capital funds, condition and operations ------------------- Research and development- Limitation on use of funds for------- Merger of appropriations, authority - Research and Development Board- Appropriation for - ------------- Chairman, increase in basic compen- sation _.--------------------- Establishment, composition, func- tions-------------_ ---- ----- -- Quartermaster Corps, research labo- ratory, appointment of board of experts for selection of site----- Reserve components, retirement, annual service credits, amendment of Army and Air Force Vitalization and Re- tirement Equalization Act of 1948- Page 175 1020 410 590 385 66 876 1017 1020 1024 590 1021 587 580 411 590 1025 1024 580 588 587 590 588 1021 876 987 880 584 950 693 Defense, Department of-Continued Page Reserve officers on active duty, funds available for pay and allowances__ 1021 Retired Army officers selling supplies to Department of the Army, restric- tion on payment to ------------- 989 Retired officers not on active duty, prosecution of claims against United States, nonapplicability of provisions ------- __ _-- ---------_ 280 Retirement, physical disability. See Career Compensation Act of 1949. Salaries and expenses, appropriation for -------------------------- 987 Salary increases for certain Depart- mental officers ------------------ 880 Secretary- Appointment and duties------------ 580 Compensation ------------------- _ 585 Increase ----------------------- 880 Office of, appropriation for --- _- - _- 987 Small business, American, assistance to, authority of Secretary of Defense; appointment of special assistant__ - 1023 Strikes against U. S . Government, restriction on employment of per- sons engaging in ----- _----.---- 1018 Surplus property- Responsibility of Secretary of De- fense in connection with trans- fers ------------------------ 388 Use for educational activities of special interest to armed services_ 387 Technical and professional personnel, employment -------------------- 1017 Trade agreements, information and advice with respect to------------ 698 Transfers, inter-agency, of services, materials, etc., authority -------- 1020 Travel expenses, charge to appropria- tions available for travel or trans- portation ----------------- ...... ... 1017 Under Secretary- Office of, continuance as office of Deputy Secretary 591 Provision for; duties; compensation_ 30 Uniform of armed forces- Disposition on release from active service------------ ---------- 91 Protection of, applicability of pro- visions -------------------- 91 Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of 1949- 936 United Nations, furnishing of military personnel and facilities to, limita- tions; reimbursement for expenses; appropriation authorized ------- 735, 736 Utilities in vicinity of naval or military activities, sale, authority -------- 577 War Council, appropriation for------- 987 Working-capital funds--------------- 587 INDEX LIII