Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1385

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Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1949, Page Second-Continued Federal Power Commission, appropria- tion for--------- __

- ___ 253 Federal Security Agency, appropriation for ---------- _---_-_------ - 233,254 Federal Trade Commission, appropria- tion for------------------------ 253 Federal Works Agency, appropriation for --------------------.- - - 234,255 General Accounting Office, appropria- tion for ------ ____ -- -- _---_---_ 253 General provisions - -- _ -- _-------_ 263 Government Printing Office, appropri- ation for -------------------- 232, 253 House of Representatives, appropri- ation for -------------------- 231, 252 Housing and Home Finance Agency, appropriation for ---- _ _-- ---- ___ 255 Housing Expediter, Office of, appropri- ation for---- ______..------ --- _ 235 Independent offices, appropriation for_ 233, 253 Interior, Department of the, appropri- ation for . _------------------ 240, 258 Interstate Commerce Commission, ap- propriation for-------- --------- 254 Judgments, appropriation for payment- 263 Justice, Department of, appropriation for ------------------------ 244,260 Labor, Department of, appropriation for ----------.- -- --- -- --- -- _ 245, 260 Legislative Branch of the Government, appropriation for ------------- 231, 252 Library of Congress, appropriation for -----


232, 253 Maritime Commission, appropriation for --------------------------- 254 National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics, appropriation for -------- 254 National Archives- Appropriation for ----------------- 254 Availability of funds for health service program--------------- 235 National Mediation Board, appropri- ation for -------------------- 235, 254 National Military Establishment, ap- propriation for---------------- 245, 260 Navy, Department of the, appropri- ation for ------------------- 246, 261 Overthrow of U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating _------------------- 263 Palestine refugees, appropriation for relief of ------------------------ 232 Panama Railroad Company, appro- priation for -- _- ---- ---- --- ---- 254 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for_ - 252 Personal services, restrictions on 1949 funds respecting expenditures for, waiver ........ - 263 Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1949, Page Second-Continued Post Office Department, appropriation for ---------- .--- .--- ---- --- 247, 261 President, Executive Office of, appro- priation for ------------ _

253 President, funds appropriated to------ 232 Railroad Retirement Board, appropria- tion for --------------------- 236, 254 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, appropriation for --------------- 254 Securities and Exchange Commission, appropriation for --------------- 254 Senate, appropriation for ------------ 252 Smithsonian Institution, appropriation for-----------.- -- -- -- -_ -- -- . 236,254 State, Department of, appropriation for----------------------- - 250, 262 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in-----------------_ - 263 Tariff Commission, appropriation for-- 254 Tax Court of the United States, appro- priation for--- __--__----

254 Treasury Department, appropriation for------------------ _--__ 251, 262 Veterans Administration, appropriation for --------------------------- 236 Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1949, Third- 738 Agriculture, Department of, appropria- tion for ------------------ _- -- 744 Appropriations and authority, avail- ability date; ratification of obliga- tions -------------------------- 984 Architect of the Capitol, appropriation for --------------------------- 739 Army, Department of the, appropriation for ---------------- _---------. 746 Audited claims, appropriation for pay- ment ----------------- .- --- --- 748 Capitol Police, appropriation for------ 739 Civil Aeronautics Administration, ap- propriation for ----------- .- -- - - 745 Commerce, Department of, appropria- tion for ----------------------- 745 Damage claims, appropriation for pay- ment---------------------- -- 748 Defense aid, liquidation of activities, appropriation for --------------- 740 Executive Mansion, Commission on Renovation, appropriation for---- 740 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, appropriation for ------ 740 Federal Security Agency, appropriation for ----------------------- --- 740 General provisions ----------------- 748 General Services Administration, ap- propriation for ------------ -- -- 741 House of Representatives, appropriation for -- --- -7-------- --- -- INDEX LV ..- , ------ --------------- --- -- --- 738