Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1400

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INDEX Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945: Amendment, basic per annum rates of compensation; governing rules of conversion - . __ __ _----------- --- Repeal of Title IV ---------------- Federal Employees Pay Act of 1946, re- peal of designated sections -------- Federal Expenditures, Nonessential, Joint Committee on, appropriation for---- Federal Farm Loan Act, Amendments: Alaska, loans through national farm- loan associations---------------- Maximum loans to any one borrower-- Mortgages, reporting and recording of payment and cancellation-------- Puerto Rico, loans through national farm-loan associations ---------- Subscriptions to paid-in surplus of Federal land banks, repeal of pro- visions------------------------- Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, ap- propriation for; aggregate amount of bonds outstanding--- -__----__--- Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: Amendments- Certification of aureomycin, chlor- amphenicol, and bacitracin, and derivatives, provision for----- . Imports, relabeling, etc., for bringing into compliance with Act; pay- Page 973 973 973 77 985 986 986 985 986 347 409 ment of expenses ----------- 882, 883 Appropriation for carrying out pro- visions ---------------------- 285, 286 Federal Highway Acts. See Highways. Federal Housing Administration. See under Housing. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Ro- denticide Act, appropriation for effecting provisions of -------------- 344 Federal Insurance Contributions Act, funds for reimbursement to Federal Re- serve banks for expenses of deposit of taxes under----------------------- 748 Federal Intermediate Credit Banks: Appropriation for ---------------- _ 257, 347 Classification Act of 1949, nonappli- cability ----------------------- 956 Federal Land Banks, reduction in appro- priation ------------------------- 348 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Serv- ice: Appropriation for ------------ __--_ Associate Director, increase in basic compensation -----. - ___.- .--- Director, increase in basic compensa- tion-----______________-_ __ __- Federal National Mortgage Association. See under Housing. 740 881 880 Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Page Trust Fund. See under Social Secu- rity Administration. Federal Power Commission: Appropriation for ---------------- 253, 637 Compensation of members, increase --- 880 Reclamation, Bureau of, cooperation in investigations-------------- 779 Federal Prison Industries, Inc.: Applicability of provisions to agencies comprising National Military Es- tablishment--------------------- 98 Appropriation Act------------------- 474 Appropriation for _------------------ 260 Board of directors ------------------ 98 Federal Prison System. See under Jus- tice, Department of. Federal Property and Administrative Serv- ices Act of 1949------------------- 377 Accounting standards, examination by General Accounting Office __ ----- - 389 Advertising requirements ------------ 395 Antitrust laws, applicability ---------- 391 Appropriations authorized ------------ 403 Appropriation for carrying out provi- sions relating to surplus property disposal---------------------- Architect of the Capitol, inclusion in term "the Senate and the House 741 of Representatives" ----------- 920 Civil remedies and penalties ---------- 392 Contract requirements --------------- 395 Definitions----------------------- 378,397 Effective date --------------------- 403 Foreign excess property, disposal ----- 397 General provisions ----------------- 399 General Services Administration- Accounting standards, examination by General Accounting Office -_ 389 Advisory committees, authority ----- 390 Delegations of authority ------- ___- 390 Employees, transferred, status ------ 382 Establishment and administration -- 379 Funds, transfer authority ------ 382,390 General Supply Fund, establishment, availability, etc ----- __-- __- 382 Offices, functions, etc., transferred to------------------------ 380, 381 Personnel, employment of, authority_ 391 Procurement, warehousing, and re- lated activities---------------- 383 Procurement procedure ----------- _ 393 Property management ------------ _ 383 Surplus property, disposition, author- ity ------------------------ _ 385 Surveys, standardization and cat- aloging---------------------- 390 General Supply Fund, establishment, availability, etc ------------- ___ 382 Property management------------ -- 383 LXX