Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1464

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CXXXIV Ngai, Shun Him, deportation suspension_ Ngai, Siu Kum, deportation suspension_._ Niagara Falls Bridge Commission, mainte- nance, etc., of bridges across Niagara River; bond issuance, authority -... Nichols, John E. (Lt. jg.), acceptance of award from foreign government, authorized --- . __-_-___.___-_____- Nichols, Kenneth D. (Col.), appointment in permanent grade of colonel_-- - __ Nicola, Primo, deportation suspension- .. - Nielsen, Svend Aage, deportation suspen- sion ..-


___ . ________ Niemeyer, Elzo (Dick Niemeyer or Dick Van Hall), deportation suspension__ Niethe, Karl Wilhelm, deportation sus- pension --------. _ ______________- Nieves, Delia (Delia Francisca Gonzalez Trigola or Delia Gonzalez y Pugula), deportation suspension- - _ - _- _ __ __ - Nilson, Ragnar, deportation suspension-_ Nilsson, Nils Erik Gunnar, deportation suspension

_______________- Nimeth, Margaret (Margaret Semon), de- portation suspension- ---- _________ "1949 Fertilizer Supplies", printing of additional copies of House committee hearings ------------ _____________ Nino-Arroyo, Felipe, deportation sus- pension -------- ..- _____________- Nitrogenous Fertilizer Materials, manu- facture for use in occupied areas and Republic of South Korea, authority of Department of the Army _______ Noble, Frederick H., payment to- ..... Nolfl, Nicola Mario, deportation sus- pension ------------- . _-___._.__. Nome, Alaska, construction authorized- _ Nonessential Federal Expenditures, Joint Committee on, appropriation for-_- Norbeck Wildlife Preserve, designation of Custer State Park Game Sanctuary as; addition of lands-- ___ ___- ____- Norfolk, Va., Hampton Roads, retention by Federal Works Administrator of custody and control of certain lands_ - Norfolk County Trust Company, con- veyance to ------ _____________.- North Atlantic Treaty Countries, Military Assistance. See Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949. North Carolina: Blue Ridge Parkway- Appropriation for; contract authoriza- tion ______________________- Exchange of lands for acquisition of suitable right-of-way property-- Page 122 122 61 107 121 123 123 123 124 1235 1232 1232 1222 1252 1231 713 1102 1231 935 77 708 180 1188 794 726 Page Durham, retention by Federal Works Administrator of custody and con- trol of certain lands ----------- 180 Fayetteville, retention by Federal Works Administrator of custody and con- trol of certain lands ------------- 179 Winston-Salem, Smith-Reynolds Air- port, appropriation for payment of claim ------- . _-----------____ 240 North Dakota: Garrison Reservoir, use of funds for acquisition of certain property_ . 848 International Peace Garden, completion, appropriation authorized -------. 888 Appropriation for__- -- - -- -- -_ ___ __ 875 Transfer of tower to ---------- ___ _ 1155 Lignite research laboratory, appropria- tion for construction --_____----- _ 788 Mandan- Interior drainage facilities, appropri- ation for completion ----- .--- _ 746 Northern Great Plains Field Station, U. S ., appropriation for remodel- ing structures ---------------- 333 Three Affiliated Tribes, Fort Berthold Reservation, title to certain lands; compensation------ __- - -- - - -- - _ 1026 Yellowstone River, division of waters, consent of Congress granted to ne- gotiation of compact. --- -- --_ _ __ _ 152 North Platte Project, Nebr. - Wyo., appro- priation for ----- .... . ..-------.86, 781 Northeastern Interstate Forest Fire Pro- tection Compact, consent of Congress_ 271 Northern Cheyenne Indians, Mont., ap- propriation for construction, etc., of buildings ------------. ..__------ _ 773 Northern Great Plains Field Station, ap- propriation for remodeling structures at---------------------------- Northway, Alaska, construction author- ized


Jorway, payment of designated claim... Junes, John C., payment to-.......... Junez, Nicolas (Nicolas Nunez Valencia), deportation suspension - _.......... Nurses, transfer of funds for training .- - lyi, Huai Fen Li (Gloria Huai Fen Li Nyi or Mrs. Henry Nyi), deportation sus- pension ----------- . .---------- 333 935 478 1091 1231 255 1244 0 latland Island, Chatham County, Ga., re- tention by Federal Works Adminis- trator of custody and control of cer- tain lands .... _------ -- ____ _-- . 180, 181 Obligations, International. See Inter- national Obligations. INDEX e IINorth Carolina-Continued