Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1486

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Sagert, Clarence James, deportation sus- Pag pension ------------- _____------ . 125( Saia, Carmelo, deportation suspension- _ 124( St. Croix, V. I ., appropriation to defray deficit of municipal government; pur- chases through Bureau of Federal Supply, authority ----------------- 80 Saint Croix Island National Monument, Maine, establishment, authorized -- 155 Saint Elizabeth Hospital, Yakima, Wash., payment to--------------------- 1159 St. Elizabeths Hospital, D. C.: Appropriation for --------- 238, 255, 292, 873 Federal reservations, certain, provision for detention, care, and treatment of persons of unsound mind ------- 759 Insane persons, indigent, appropriation for support of ----------------- _ 315 Transfer of funds to Public Buildings Administration - --- _----------_ 292 St. Hilaire, Melvin (Melville or Joe St. Hilaire), deportation suspension--- 1226 St. John, V. I., appropriation to defray deficit of municipal government; pur- chases through Bureau of Federal Supply, authority ----------------- 801 Saint Lawrence, Newfoundland, presenta- tion of hospital or dispensary to; ap- propriation authorized ------------- 907 Saint Louis, Mo., to East Saint Louis, Ill., time extension for bridging Missis- sippi River ---------------------- 690 Saint Louis River, financing of certain bridges by Duluth, Minn ----- .. -- . 885 Saint Petersburg, Fla., appropriation for operation of maritime training sta- tion ---- .. ... ... .- - -

651 St. Thomas, V. I., appropriation to defray deficit of municipal government; pur- chases through Bureau of Federal Supply, authority ---------------- 801 Sainz-Gutierrez, Santiago, deportation suspension ------------------------ 1225 Saklias, Stavros (Steve Sakilas), deporta- tion suspension----------- .. ..- -- - 1231 Salamanca, N. Y., appropriation for ground rent, Federal building ------- 639 Saldana, Elisa (Maria Elisa Saldana), de- portation suspension-_ __ __

1243 Sales Tax Act, D. C. See Sales Tax Act under District of Columbia. Salguero-Martinez, Aristeo, deportation suspension------------ ----------- 1233 Salina, Isabel Maud, deportation suspen- sion----------------------------1221 Salina, ans., clerk of U.S. District Court, restriction on use of funds for main- taining office of ------------------ 471 eSalinas, Guadalupe Salinas, deportation Page 0 suspension -----.. ______-------_ 1234 6 Sallin, Catherine, deportation suspension 1225 Salloum, Hanna Elias (John Elias Sal- loum), deportation suspension_____ 1233 Salmivaara, Laina Martha Maria (Martha Lake), deportation suspension_______ 1238 Salmon River, Alaska, appropriation for flood control ---------------------- 848 Salmon Runs, Fraser River System, funds for restoration ------------- _ 454 Salomonsen, Frede Therp (Ole Frede Therp Salomonsen), deportation sus- pension____________ --- --- --- ---- 1232 Salt River Indian Reservation, Ariz., ap- propriation for irrigation projects- 773 Samad, Iris Daphne, deportation suspen- sion__________________________-_ 1229 Samuel, George Ryan, deportation sus- pension------------- ___ ___ ___ ___ 1242 Samuels, Armon (Herman Murdock), deportation suspension ----------- 1238 Samuels, Jensena Irene, deportation sus- pension ---- ___ ____ ___---------_ 1225 San, Wong Siu (Mrs. Mary Wong or Wong Shee or Mrs. Chong (Cheung) or Wah Chuen), deportation suspen- sion------

_ 1223 San Antonio, Tex.: Conveyance to Federal Works Agency in ..-

--- -- 185 Stinson Field Municipal Airport, ap- propriation for claim under Federal Airport Act ---- ... .. __-------_ 745 San Bernardino National Forest, Calif., acquisition of land for, appropriation for----------------. . .. . .. . . .. . .. 340 San Carlos Indian Reservation, Ariz., ap- propriation for construction, etc--- . - 773 San Diego, Calif., conveyances between Department of the Navy and Federal Works Agency in ----------------- 177 San Francisco, Calif. See under Cali- fornia. San Jacinto Ordnance Works, San Ja- cinto, Tex., operation by Depart- ment of Army, authority ------ . - - 713 San Mateo County, Calif., conveyance to Federal Works Agency in------_ _ _ _ 184 Sanchez, Jesus (Jesus Sanchez-Sosa or Jesus E. Sanchez), deportation sus- pension ---- _-------------------- 1244 Sanchex-Barcenas, Jose Inez, deportation suspension-..-----------_--------_ 1229 Sanders, R E., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim ------------- _--_--__- 1143 Sandstone, Minn., Federal correctional institution, eae to State---------- 620 CLVI INDEX