Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1494

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State, Department of-Continued Page Appropriation Act--- ------------- __ 447 Appropriation for ---- 250, 262, 747, 877, 982 Assistant Secretaries, number - _ -__ - 111l Broadcasting, international, transfer of facilities in furtherance of ------- 408 Brownsville, Tex., grant of license for use of portions of lands transferred to U. S . Section, International Boundary and Water Commission_ 266 Chinese students, allocation of funds for study in United States -------- 711 Claims, appropriation for payment -- _ 448 Coast Guard, cooperation with----- __ _ 505 Contracts exempt from prohibition on interest by Members of Congress-_ 456 Contributions, quotas, etc., inter- national obligations, appropriation for---------.-------------- 449,747 Counselor- Increase in basic compensation------ 881 Reappointment under reorganization provisions not required--------- 111 Deputy Under Secretaries, increase in basic compensation ------------- 881 Diplomatic and consular establish- ments, exchange of funds for ex- penses, nonapplicability of certain provisions to-------------------- 456 Educational activities, international, appropriation for ------ - 454, 747, 878 Employment, termination of, authority of Secretary of State ------------ 456 Finland- Activities under U. 8 . Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948; use of payments on princi- pal and interest of World War I debt to United States --------. 630 Appropriation for settlement of claims -----------.---------- 982 Foreign excess property disposal- Authority------------------------ 397 Transfers to other agencies in connec- tion with--------------------- 399 Foreign Service- Appropriation for---- ------------ 877 Automobiles, application of exchange allowances or sale proceeds to re- placements ----------------- _ 448 Buildings fund, appropriation for -- - 449 Classification Act of 1949, nonapplica- bility------------------------ 954 Emergencies in Diplomatic and Con- sular Service, appropriation for- 449 Leases, acquisition, authority ------- 449 Living and quarters allowances, trans- fer of funds from -- --- --- -- 260,877 Personnel, administration by Seare- tary---------------------- 111 State, Department of-Continued Pace Foreign Service-Continued Representation allowances, appropri- ation for --------- __ __-__- 449 Retirement and disability fund, ap- propriation for ----- _ _- -_ __ .- - 449 Salary increases, certain officers and employees -------------------- 407 Appropriation for --------------- 877 Secretary of State, direction by ---- 111 Transfer of funds for--------------- 250 General provisions, Appropriation Act-_ 456 Greece and Turkey, assistance to, limi- tations on administrative expenses_ 711 Information activities, international, appropriation for --------- 454, 747, 878 Inter-American Affairs, Institute of. See separate title. International activities, funds for ----- 250, 262,449, 747 International bodies, furnishing of serv- ices by Public Buildings Admin- istration in continental United States ------------------------- 199 International Boundary and Water Commission, U. S . and Mexico. See separatetitle. International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada and Alaska, appropriation for------- 250, 453 International Claims Commission, ap- propriation for; condition------- 877, 878 International commissions, American sections, appropriation for --_ - 250,453 International contingencies, appropria- tion for--------------_-- ------- 451 International Fisheries Commission, ap- propriation for..---.-.... .-_ 453 International information and educa- tional activities, appropriation for. 454, 747, 878 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, appropriation for ----------------.. . . --- - 250,453 International organizations- Classification Act of 1949, nonap- plicability to certain employees_ 954 Participation in, funds for---------- 250 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, appropriation for.--- 454 International short-wave radio stations, indemnification agreements ------- 454 Justice, Department of, investigations of matters under joint control, ap- propriation for ----------------- 459 Leasehold interests, payment in ad- vance --------..----.---------- 455 Legal Adviser- Appointment by President, with adloee and sonaat of Seate. 881,883 CLXIV INDEX