Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/218

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 218-JUNE 16, 1949 five-tenths feet to a post in the western margin of Winslow Street; thence with the western margin of Winslow Street south twenty- three degrees fifty-five minutes west one hundred and twenty-four feet to the beginning. Durham, N. 0. (e) Durham, North Carolina: Lying and being in the city of Durham, county of Durham, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument, in the east line of Morris Street, said monument being sixty-five and six-tenths feet north fifty-seven degrees forty-six minutes east from the northeast corner of the brick building occupied by Imperial Tobacco Company; running thence south eighty-five degrees twenty minutes east two hundred feet to a concrete monument; thence north seven degrees thirty-one min- utes east one hundred and sixty-four and fifty one-hundredths feet to a point in the present south line of Hunt Street; thence with said south line of Hunt Street north eighty-five degrees twenty minutes west two hundred and eight one-hundredths feet to a point being the inter- section of said south line of Hunt Street with the east line of Morris Street; thence with the east line of Morris Street south seven degrees thirty minutes west one hundred sixty-four and fifty one-hundredths feet to the true point or place of beginning. Pars, Tex. (f) Paris, Texas: A tract of land lying and being in the city of Paris, county of Lamar, State of Texas, and being a portion of the Larkin Rattan Survey, particularly described as follows: Portions of lots 5 and 6, block 1, of the city of Paris, as shown by the original fifty-acre donation as recorded in the deed records of Lamar County, Texas, book G-l, page 299, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point being the intersection of the north line of Grand Avenue with the east line of Short Street, now Nineteenth Street; running thence due north along the east line of Short Street, now Nineteenth Street, eighty-one feet to a marker; thence due east eighty- three feet to a marker; thence due south eighty-one feet to a marker in the north line of Grand Avenue; thence due west along the north line of Grand Avenue eighty-three feet to the point or place of beginning, together with all the right, title, and interests of the former owners in and to the streets and alleys abutting the above-described premises. Hampton Roads, (g) Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Virginia: Lands lying and being in the city and county of Norfolk, Commonwealth of Virginia, and particularly described as follows: Lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4,7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and an unnumbered lot, lying between said lots numbered 10 and 25 and being in block numbered 12 in map book 11, page 33, Corporation Court of Norfolk, Virginia, containing eighty- five one-hundredths of an acre. Chatham County, (h) Chatham County, near Savannah, Georgia: Tracts of land lying and being in the county of Chatham, State of Georgia, more particularly described as follows: Oatland Island. Parcel A: One hundred acres of land, more or less, of what is known as the southwestern portion of Oatland Island, in Chatham County, Georgia, as more particularly appears on a map attached to the deed from George T. Page, Alvan M. Hitt, and William G. Slaughter to the order of Railway Conductors Home Association, dated May 22, 1926, filed for record August 31, 1926. and recorded in book 22B, page 182, of the records in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Georgia, a copy of which map is recorded in map book 2. folio 81, of the records aforesaid, to which special reference is hereby made, and which is made part and parcel of this description, said lands lying south of the "red" line appearing on said map, and being that portion of land lying at the southwest end of the island beyond the marks of boundary erected on said island, and having the following bearings: Beginning at the marks 180 [63 STAT.