Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/298

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 236-JUNE 23, 1949 Government of the Virgin Islands: "Salaries and expenses", $12,375; "Salaries and expenses, agricultural station", $2,800; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Legal activities and general administration: "Offices of Attorney General, and so forth", $53,000; "Administrative Division", $131,000; "Tax Division", $35,000; "Salaries and expenses, Customs Division", $10,000; "Salaries and expenses, Antitrust Division", $160,000; "Miscellaneous salaries and expenses, field", $20,000; "Salaries and expenses of district attorneys, and so forth", $375,000; "Salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth", $326,000; Federal Bureau of Investigation: "Salaries and expenses, detection and prosecution of crimes", $3,015,800; Immigration and Naturalization Service: "Salaries and expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Service", $2,300,000; Federal Prison System: "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Prisons", $29,000; "Salaries and expenses, penal and correctional institutions", $1,150,000; "Medical and hospital service", $88,000; "Support of United States prisoners", $14,000; Office of Alien Property (increase of $200,000 in the limitation upon the amount of Alien Property funds which may be used for adminis- trative expenses); "Federal Prison Industries, Incorporated" (increase of $10,000 in the limitation upon the amount which may be used for administrative expenses); DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary: "Salaries and expenses", $75,700; "Salaries and expenses, Office of the Solicitor", $64,100; "Sala:ries and expenses, Bureau of Labor Standards", $20,000; Bureau of Apprenticeship: "Salaries and expenses", $155,000; Bmlleau of labor Statistics: "Salaries Iad explenses", $;321),00)0 Women's Bureau': "Salaries and expenses", $15,300 * Wage and Hour Division: "Salaries and expenses', $361,000; NATIONAL MILITARY ESTABLISHIMENT Department of the Army: Military functions: General Staff Corps: "National War College", $25,000 to be derived by transfer from "Transportation Service, Army"; Army Field Forces: "Command and General Staff College", $30.000 to be derived by transfer from "Transportation Service, Army"; Civil functions: United States Soldiers' Home: "Trust account" (increase of $121.099 in the limitation upon the amount to be paid from the Soldiers' Home permanent fund); "Government and relief in occupied areas" (increase of $3,470,571 in the limitation upon the amount for administra- tive expenses); 260 [63 STAT.