Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/380

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 280-JUNE 29, 1949 that the statements and information contained in the application for payment are correct and true, to the best of his knowledge and belief, under the penalties of title 18, United States Code: Providedfurther, That none of the funds herein appropriated or made available for the functions assigned to the Agricultural Adjustment Agency pursuant no5te. S . app. §601 to the Executive Order Numbered 9069, of February 23, 1942, shall be used to pay the salaries or expenses of any regional information employees or any State information employees, but this shall not preclude the answering of inquiries or supplying of information at Pburogram ofisoil- the county level to individual farmers: Provided further, That such amount shall be available for salaries and other administrative expenses in connection with the formulation and administration of the 1950 program of soil-building practices and soil- and water- 49 Stat. 1148. 16 .Sa...8§§ 590g- conserving practices, under the Act of February 29, 1936, as amended q;Supp. I , § 590h, (amounting to $300,000,000, of which not to exceed $15,000,000 may be Allocations to tates used for acreage allotments and marketing quotas, including adminis- tration, and formulated on the basis of a distribution of the funds available for payments and grants among the several States in accord- ance with their conservation needs as determined by the Secretary, except that the proportion allocated to any State shall not be reduced more than 15 per centum from the 1946 distribution, and no partici- pant shall receive more than $2,500); but the payments or grants under such programs shall be conditioned upon the utilization of land with respect to which such payments or grants are to be made in conformity with farming practices which will encourage and provide for soil- building and soil- and water-conserving practices in the most practical and effective manner and adapted to conditions in the several States, as determined and approved by the State committees appointed pursuant 49stalo. S0b). to section 8 (b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, for the respective States: Provided further, That Transfer of funds. the Secretary may, in his discretion, from time to time transfer to the General Accounting Office such sums as may be necessary to pay administrative expenses of said office in auditing payments under Technical assistance this head: Providedfurther,That the county agricultural conservation committee in any county with the approval of the State committee may allot not to exceed 5 per centuni of its allocation for the agricul- tural conservation program to the Soil Conservation Service for services of its technicians in formulating and carrying out the agricultural conservatiol program and the funds so allotted shall be utilized by the Soil Conservation Service for technical aind etPlrch: of se d s, other assistance in such county: Provided further, That such amounts shall be available for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, lime, trees, or any other farming materials, or any soil-terracing services, and making grants thereof to agricultural producers to aid them in carrying out farming practices approved by the Secretary under Salasry or trtael ex- programs provided for herein: Provided further, That no part of any funds available to the Department, or any bureau, office, corpo- ration, or other agency constituting a part of such Department shall be used in the current fiscal year for the payment of salary or travel expenses of any person who has been convicted of violating the Act entitled "An Act to prevent pernicious political 7aStat.1147; 62Stat. activities", approved August 2, 1939, as amended, or who has been s18u.. c . O 61 - found in accordance with the provisions of title 18, United 61w; Supp. II, § I94 et 2eq. States Code, section 1913, to have violated or attempted to violate 62 Stat. 7, upp. such section which prohibits the use of Federal appropriations for nI, 1913. the payment of personal services or other expenses designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress to favor or oppose any legislation or appropriation by Congress except upon request of any Member or through the proper official channels. 342 [63 STAT.