Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/555

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG.. 1ST SESS.-CH. 393-AUG. 4. 1949 § 240. Recall to active duty during war or national emergency In time of war or national emergency, the Secretary may order any commissioned officer on the retired list to active duty. While on active duty, a retired commissioned officer shall receive full pay, allowances, and benefits authorized by law including longevity credit for the time retired. When relieved of active service after recall from the retired list, such commissioned officer shall, unless entitled to be advanced on the retired list with a higher grade or pay under other provisions of law, be retained on the retired list with the grade held at the time of retirement and with retired pay computed on the active-duty pay and increase received at the time of relief from active duty. § 241. Recall to active duty with consent of officer Any commissioned officer on the retired list may, with his consent, be assigned to such duties as he may be able to perform but no commis- sioned officer on the retired list who has reached the age of sixty- two years shall be recalled in time of peace. While on active duty such commissioned officer shall receive full pay, allowances, and benefits authorized by law, including longevity credit for the time retired. When relieved of active service after recall from the retired list, such commissioned officer shall, unless entitled to be advanced on the retired list with a higher grade or pay under other provisions of law, be retained on the retired list with the grade held at the time of retire- ment and with retired pay computed on the active-duty pay and in- crease received at the time of relief from active duty. § 242. Relief of retired officer promoted while on active duty Any commissioned officer on the retired list recalled to active duty who during such active duty is advanced to a higher grade under a temporary appointment shall, upon relief from active duty, if his performance of duty under such temporary appointment has been satisfactory, be advanced on the retired list to the highest grade held while on active duty, with retired pay of such highest grade. § 243. Retirement in cases where higher grade has been held Any commissioned officer who is retired under any provision of sections 230, 231, 232, 233, or 234 of this title, or that provision of sec- tion 235 of this title which provides for retirement of officers after A n t. pp. 514, 5- thirty years' service, shall be retired from active service with the highest grade held by him while on active duty in which, as determined by the Secretary, his performance of duty was satisfactory, but not lower than his permanent grade, with retired pay of the grade with which retired. § 244. Resignation when out of line of promotion Any commissioned officer who, in accordance with applicable regu- lations, is placed out of line of promotion may, with the approval of the Secretary, if his commissioned service is less than ten years, resign from the Coast Guard with one year's pay computed at the rate of pay he was receiving on the date of his resignation. § 245. Retiring or dropping for disabilities not incident to service Any commissioned officer found by a retiring board to be incapaci- tated for active service for reasons not incident to service shall, if the findings of the retiring board are approved by the Secretary, be dropped from the service with or without one year s pay, as determined by the Secretary. 517