Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/585

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 393-AUG. 4, 1949 § 641. Disposal of certain material (a) The Commandant may dispose of, with or without charge, to the sea-scout service of the Boy Scouts of America, to any regularly organized flotilla or other organized unit of the Coast Guard Aux- iliary, and to any public body or private organization not organized for profit having an interest therein for historical or other special reasons, such obsolete or other material as may not be needed for the Coast Guard. (b) The Commandant may, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, sell apparatus or equipment manufactured by or in use in the Coast Guard, which is not readily procurable in the open market. The money received from such sale shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the current appropriation from which purchase of similar apparatus or equipment is authorized. § 642. Deposit of damage payments Whenever an aid to navigation or other property belonging to the Coast Guard is damaged or destroyed by a private person, and such private person or his agent shall pay to the satisfaction of the proper official of the Coast Guard for the cost of repair or replacement of such property, the Commandant may accept and deposit such payments, through proper officers of the Fiscal Service, Treasury Departmeiit, in special deposit accounts in the Treasury, for payment therefrom to the person or persons repairing or replacing the damaged property and refundment of amounts collected in excess of the cost of the repairs or replacements concerned. In the event that repair or replace- ment of the damaged property is effected by the Coast Guard, the appropriations bearing the cost thereof and current at the time collec- tion is made shall be reimbursed from the special deposit account. § 643. Rewards for apprehension of persons interfering with aids to navigation The Coast Guard may offer and pay rewards for the apprehension and conviction, or for information helpful therein, of persons found interfering in violation of law with aids to navigation maintained by the Coast Guard; or for information leading to the discovery of miss- ing Coast Guard property or to recovery thereof. § 644. Payment for the apprehension of stragglers The Coast Guard may offer and pay rewards for the apprehension and delivery of deserters, stragglers, and prisoners. § 645. Settlement of claims incident to activities of the Coast Guard (a) The Secretary and, subject to appeal to the Secretary, such other officer as he may designate for such purposes and under regula- tions prescribed by him, may consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, settle, and pay in an amount not in excess of $1,000, where accepted by a claimant in full satisfaction and final settlement, any claim against the United States arising on or after May 27, 1941, when such claim is substantiated in such a manner as the Secretary may by regu- lations prescribe, for damage to or loss or destruction of property, real or personal, or for personal injury or death, caused by military personnel or civilian employees of the Coast Guard while acting within the scope of their employment (excluding claims cognizable under chapter 20 of Title 28), or otherwise incident to noncombat activities of the Coast Guard, including claims for damage to or loss or destruction 547