Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/1009

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CXC INDEX China-Continued Friendship, commerce, and navigation- Continued Courts of justice, access to-. ----- -- Diplomatic representatives -------- Disputes, settlement of------------- Exchange restrictions, imposition of- Extraterritorial rights, treaty for re- linquishment of (1943), status - Page 1305 1301 1321 1319 1307, 1322 Financial transactions - _ __ _ - -- - 1314, 1324 Immigration -------------------- _ 1301 Imports and exports- Arms, ammunition, etc----------- 1319 Duties, etc----------------- 1311, 1313 Fines and penalties, customs------ 1313 Gold or silver -------------- 1319, 1324 Internal taxation --------------- 1314 National treasures--------------- 1319 Quantitative regulations, laws, etc., publication of --------- 1312-1314 Inventions, trade-marks, trade names, etc--.------------------ 1308,1323 Liability, civil, for injuries or death-_ 1310 Limitations on provisions_- 1319, 1320, 1393 Military service, exemption from---- 1311 Mineral resources, exploration for and exploitation of -------- 1304, 1323 Monopolies, agencies, etc----------- 1316 Nationals. See Protection; Residence. Navigation provisions -------- 1316-1318 Political activities, persons, corpora- tions, etc -------- _----------_ 1320 Prior treaties, status of- Provisions not superseded---- 1307, 1322 Provisions superseded ----------- 1321 Proclamation ---------------- 1299, 1383 Property, acquisition, disposition, etc- 1306 Protection, nationals and property-- 1304 Protocol ----------------------- . 1323 Ratification, entry into force, termi- nation--------- -- . ----. 1322, 1383 Residence, travel ---------------- 1301 Taxes, fees, charges, etc----------- 1309, 1311, 1313, 1314 Transit, freedom of ----_ -- -- -- -- 1319 Worship, freedom of------------- 1310 Imports and exports. See under Friend- ship, commerce, and navigation. Telecommunication Convention, Inter- national ---------------- _----- 1399 Final protocol of signature, reserva- tion-------------------_ 1544, 1549 Radio regulations-------------- - 1580 Wheat Agreement, International------ 2173 Colombia: Page Telecommunication Convention, Inter- national------------------------ 1399 Final protocol of signature, reserva- tion---- ---------------- 1544, 1545 Radio regulations----------------- 1580 Wheat Agreement, International ------ 2173 Commerce, Friendship, and Navigation. See Friendship, Commerce, and Navi- gation. Commercial Travelers, Provisions in Agreements With: China ------------------- _------- 1310 Italy--------------------------- .- 2270 Consultative Committees, International. See under Telecommunication Union, International. Corporations and Associations, Provisions in Agreements With: China -------------- 1302-1304,1305,1320 Italy --------------- 2258, 2260, 2262, 2296 Courts of Justice, Access to, Provisions in Agreements With: China ---------------------------- 1305 Italy --------------- _ _

2262 Cuba: Telecommunication Convention, Inter- national -------------- _---_-- - 1399 Final protocol of signature, reserva- tion ---------------- --- 1544, 1549 Radio regulations ---------------- 1580 Wheat Agreement, Tnternational ----- 2173 Cultural Relations, Fostering of, provi- sions in agreement with Italy ------- 2304 Curacao, International Telecommunica- tion Convention ----------------- 1399 Final protocol of signature------------ 1544 Radio regulations------- . -- - -- -. .. .. 1580 Czechoslovakia, International Telecom- munication Convention------ . - - - - 1399 Final protocol of signature ---------- 1544 Radio regulations ------------------ 1580 D Denmark: North Atlantic Treaty . --- -- __---- Telecommunication Convention, Inter- national -------------- ______-- - Final protocol of signature ------- Radio regulations-----. .-- _-- -- -_ Wheat Agreement, International----- Dominican Republic: Telecommunication Convention, Inter- national ---------------------- Final protocol of signature ------ Radio regulations-- ------------- Wheat Agreement, International----- 2241 1399 1544 1580 2173 1399 1544 1580 2173