Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/1014

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Telecommunication Convention, Interna- Pa 6 tional ------------. .-------. _ 1399-217 Annexes ----------

148( Agreement be t ween International Telecommunication Union and United Nations --------- -- -- 152: Arbitration -------------- . -- - - -. 148: Countries, list of ------------- - 148: Definitions, terms used in Conven- tion -------------------- 1483-148. General regulations ----------- --- 149] Conferences ------------- . . 1495-151: Consultative Committees, Interna- tional .- -- _ -..--------- 1515-152i Convention and regulations- Abrogation of earlier conventions and regulations ------------ ----- -143S Accession------------------- 1435, 2145 Application------. -- - .- - -- - -- -- - -. 1435 Denunciation ------- . --- -- -- -- -- . 1439 Execution--------------_- -- - -- - -- 1437 Non-contracting states, relations with- 1439 Ratification.. ------- ---.-- ---. 1435, 2145 Settlement of differences ------ 1441, 1481 Territories, dependent, applicationto. 1437 Definitions----- 1453, 1483-1487, 1581-1597 Effective date ---------------------- 1453 General provisions relating to telecom-: munication ---------------- 1443-1451 Proclamation, U. S . President ----- 1399, 214C Protocols- Expenditures of Union ---------. 214 7-2151 Germany and Japan, provision con- cerning accession--------------. 2145 Signature, final ------------------ 1545 Spain, Spanish Zone of Morocco, totality of Spanish possessions, provisions concerning accession - 2145 Telephone, telegraph regulations ---- 2147 Transitional arrangements ------- . 2143 Radio, special provisions respecting -- - 1449- 1453 Radio regulations---- 1580-2139, 2167-2171 Signatures ------------------. 1453-1478 Final protocol of ----------------- 1544 Romanization -------------------- 2153 Union, International Telecommunica- tion---------------------- 1409-1435 Telecommunication Union, International, provisions in International Telecom- munication Convention------------- 1409 Composition- Associate membels---- ----------- 1411 Members ------------------------ 1409 Conferences, plenipotentiary, adminis- trative---------- 1427, 1429, 1495, 1529 Rules of procedure ---------- 1429, 1501 Telecommunication Union, Interna- Page tional-Continued Consultative Committees, International_ 1413, 1421, 1515-1525, 1529 Radio (C.C .I .R.) -


1413, 1421, 1521, 1717, 1753, 1961-1965 Telegraph (C.C.I .T.) - -- ..- - - 1413, 1421 Telephone (C.C.I .F.) . ------ - 1413, 1421 Council, Administrative- ------- 1413, 2143 Condition, fulfillment before serving on -- -------------- . -- -- - -- - 1419 Duties--------------------------. 1417 Expenditures ---------------- 2147,2149 Organization, working arrangements- 1415 Finances------- -----. .. - 1431, 2147-2151 Frequency Registration Board, Interna- tional (I.F .R .B .) -- -- - 1413,1417, 2143 Condition, fulfillment before serving on------------------------. 1419 Expenditures for provisional func- tions-----. ------. ----- ------- 2149 Representation at meetings of Con- sultative Committees ---------- 1523 General Secretariat ---.- --- 1413, 1423, 2145 Languages---------------------. - - -. 1433 Purposes--------------------------. . . . . 1411 Regulations, radio, telegraph, telephone- 1431, 1581, 2147 Relations with- International organizations----- 1441, 1523 United Nations -- ------- - - 1441, 1527 International Court of Justice --. 1533 Telegraph Consultative Committee, Inter- national. See under Telecommunica- tion Union, International. Telephone Consultative Committee, Inter- national. See under Telecommunica- tion Union, International. Thailand. See Siam. Trade-Marks, Trade Names, Etc., Provi- sions in Agreements With: China ----. -- --- ---- --- ---- - 1308, 1323 Italy--------------- .- --- -. --- - 2268 Transit, Freedom of, Provisions in Agree- ments With: China --------------------------- 1319 Italy-------

---- ---- --- ----

2288 runisia, International Telecommunication Convention--.------.---- _--- _--- 1399 Final protocol of signature----. .. .- ------- 1544 Radio regulations -- --------------- 1580 Turkey, International Telecommunication Convention --------------- _------ 1399 Final protocol of signature --- ------- 1544 Radio regulations ----------------- 1580 INDEX CXCV .