Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/16

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of whatever nationality or corporations or associations wherever created or organized, whether resident or non-resident and whether or not engaged in business within the territories of the High Contracting Party where such property is situated, shall succeed to such property, and shall be permitted to take possession thereof, either by themselves or by others acting for them, and to retain or dispose of it at their pleasure, exempt from any restrictions, taxes or charges other or higher than those to which the heirs, legatees or donees of nationals of such other High Contracting Party are or may hereafter be sub- ject in like cases. The nationals, corporations and associations of either High Contracting Party shall be permitted to succeed, as heirs, legatees and donees, to personal property of every kind within the territories of the other High Contracting Party, left or given to them by nationals of such other High Contracting Party or by nationals of any third country, and shall be permitted to take possession thereof, either by themselves or by others acting for them, and to retain or dispose of it at their pleasure, exempt from any restrictions, taxes or charges other or higher than those to which the nationals, corpora- tions and associations of such other High Contracting Party are or may hereafter be subject in like cases. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to affect the laws and regulations of either High Con- tracting Party prohibiting or restricting the direct or indirect owner- ship by aliens or foreign corporations and associations of the shares in, or instruments of indebtedness of, corporations and associations of such High Contracting Party carrying on particular types of activities. 5. The nationals, corporations and associations of either High Con- tracting Party shall, subject to the exception in paragraph 2 of Article X, receive treatment, in respect of all matters which relate to the acquisition, holding, leasing, possession or disposition of personal property, no less favorable than the treatment which is or may here- after be received by nationals, corporations and associations of any third country. AaRTiCL IX The nationals, corporations and associations of either High Con- tracting Party shall be accorded within the territory of the other High Contracting Party effective protection in the exclusive use of inventions, trademarks and trade names, upon compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, if any, respecting registration and other formalities which are or may hereafter be enforced by the duly constituted authorities; unauthorized manufacture, use or sale of such inventions, or imitation or falsification of such trademarks and trade names, shall be prohibited, and effective remedy therefor shall be provided by civil action. The nationals, corporations and associa- tions of either High Contracting Party shall be accorded throughout the territory of the other High Contracting Party effective protection in the enjoyment of rights with respect to their literary and artistic works, upon compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, if any, respecting registration and other formalities which are or may Inventions, trade- marks, trade names, etc. Pos, p. 1323 . TREATIES [63 STAT.