Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/414

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATION-OCT. 2 , 1947 1711 (Chapter 111. art. 9 HK) (92L . 273 § 11. Radiotelegraph ship and coast stations may share the appropriate bands allocated for radiotelephony, on a tem- porary basis and under the following conditions: 274 a) wherever possible ship stations will observe the frequency tolerance requirements specified for coast stations in appendix 3; 275 b) all possible steps will be taken to minimize the possibility of causing harmful interference to radiotelephony, special arrangements being made where necessary; 276 c) every effort will be made to discontinue, by the date of the next ordinary Administrative Radio Conference, the operation of radiotelegraph sta- tions in the bands allocated for radiotelephony. 277 § 12. The frequency 8 364 kc/s is designated for the use of survival craft equipped to transmit on frequencies be- tween 4 000 and 23 000 kc/s and wishing to establish, with stations of the maritime mobile service, communications re- lating to search and rescue. Section V. Fixed Service 278 § 13. Selection of Freqlencie. for the InternationalE. - change of Police Information. 279 (1) The frequencies needed for the international ex- change of information necessary to assist in the apprehen- sion of criminals will be selected, i1' necessary, by special arrangement among the interested administrations in the bands of frequencies allocated to the fixed service. 280 (2) It is recognized that, in order to realize the maxi- mum economy of frequencies, the International Frequency Registration Board should be consulted by the administra- tions concerned whenever such arrangements are under dis- cussion on a regional or world-wide basis.