Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/460

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(63 STAT.] MIILTILAT ATERATELECOMMUNICATI(NS-OCT. 2, 1947 1757 (Chapter VI, art. 18 RR) (405-409) country or one international organization participating in this international monitoring work shall report and transmit re- sults of measurements through one centralizing office. Where such an office exists, it shall receive directly all requests for monitoring originating in the I.F.R.B ., or in similar offices of other countries or international organizations concerned; it shall similarly forward the results to the organization which has requested the monitoring, as well as to the I.F.R.B. 405 §4. However, these provisions shall not affect private monitoring arrangements made for special purposes by ad- ministrations, international organizations, or public or pri- vate enterprises. 406 § 5. (1) After the C.C.I.R. has made a recommendation as to the technical standards for performance to be observed by various classes of monitoring stations and after the expiration of any time limits associated with that recommendation for the application of the new technical standards, the I.F .R.B . may recognize these provisionally as optimum practicable technical standards. 407 (2) Administrations or international organizations shall be responsible for determining whether their monitoring sta- tions meet these technical standards. They shall notify to the Secretary General of the Union the names and locations of the statiors which may participate and the postal and tele- graphic addresses to which requests for monitoring informa- tion should be sent. The notification shall include a statement of the standards of measurements maintained by these sta- tions. 40X (3) The Secretary General shall publish periodically a list of the stations referred to in 407, and other information so notified, including a statement of the current standards recognized by the I.F.R .B . 409 (4) Where the results supplied by any monitoring sta- tion appear to the I.F .R .B . to be questionable or insufficient for its purposes, the I.F .R .B . shall, through the Secretary