Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/564

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 (Chapter XIII, art. 33 RR) (7.10-747) Section III. Bandsfbetween 90 and 160 kc/s A. Call and Reply. 740 § 11. (1) The frequency 143 kc/s (class Al only) is the international calling frequency used in the maritime mobile service in the bands 90 to 160 kc/s. 741 (2) Apart from the frequency 143 kc/s, the use of any frequency between 140 and 146 kc/s is forbidden. 742 § 12. The frequency for replying to a call sent on the frequency 143 kc/s is: - for a ship station, the frequency 143 kc/s; - for a coast station, its normal working frequency. B. Traffic. 743 § 13. (1) The following rules must be observed by stations of the maritime mobile service using class Al emissions in the bands 90 to 160 kc/s: 744 (2) a) Every coast station must keep watch on the frequency 143 kc/s unless the List of Coast and Ship Stations provides otherwise. 745 b) The coast station transmits its traffic on the working frequency or frequencies specially as- signed to it. 746 (3) a) When a ship station desires to establish com- munication with another station of the mari- time mobile service, it must use the frequency 143 kc/s, unless the List of Coast and Ship Sta- tions provides otherwise. 747 b) This frequency must be used exclusively: - for individual calls and replies to such calls; - for the transmission of signals preparatory to traffic.