Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/702

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63 STAT.] MULTILATEIRAL-TELECOMMUIlNICATIONS-OCT. 2 , 1947 (App. 5 RR) Examples Description Necessary Bandwidth and Class of in Cycles per Second Designa- Emission Detail tion of Emission I1. FREQUENCY MODULATION Frequency- BK+2D Four-channel multiplex shift K = 5 for fading circuits with 7-unit code. Telegraphy 60 words per minute K - 3 for non-fading per channel circuits B -170 Fl K-5 D -425 Bandwidth: 1 700 el 1.7F1 Commercial 2M+2DK For an average case of Telephony and For cominercial telepho- commercial telephony Broadcasting ny,K =1. Forhigh- with fidelity transmission, D- 15000 F3 higher values of K may M- 3000 be necessary Bandwidth: 36 000 c/s 36F3 Facsimile (See facsimile, amplitude KN A +2M+2D modulation) T Cylinder diameter -70 4 K -1.5 mm Lines per mm-3.77 Cylinder speed -1 rps Modulation tone- 1 800 c/s D- 10000c/e Bandwidth: 25 000 c/e (approximately) 25F4 1999