Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/720

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6i STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMIItMNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 2017 (App. 6 RR) List V. List of Aeronautical and Aircraft Stations PartA. Alphabetical index of aeronauticalstations. See Part B Name of the station Call sign page 1 2 3 Part B. Particularsof aeronauticalstations. IName of the country in aphabe l order. iName of the stations phabe l order " The normal working frequency is printed in heavy type. " Meridian of Greenwich in degrees and minute. 8) In the case of directive antennae, indicate under the power, the asimuth of the direction or directions of maximum gain, in degrees, beginning from true North cloek- wise. " Greenwich mean time (G.M .T.). ) The internal telegraph charge of the country to which the aeronautical station is subject and the charge applied by that country to telegrams destined for adjacent countries are given at the end of this List. ) If the accounts for charges are settled by a private enterprise. the name and address of the private enterprise should be given. I