Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/736

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683 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOlMMUltNICATIONS-OCT 2, 1947 (App. * BR) APPENDIX 8 Documents with which Ship and Aircraft Stations must be provided (See articles 20, 22, 23, 24, 28 and appendix 6) Section 1. For Stations on Board Ships Compulsorily Equipped with a Radiotelegraph Installation: 1st license provided for by article 22; 2nd certificates of the operator or operators; 3rd log (diary of the radio service) in which the following are recorded as they occur, together with the time of their occurrence: a) all communications relating to distress traffic in full, b) urgency and safety communications, c) communications exchanged between the ship sta- tion and land or mobile stations, d) service incidents of all kinds, e) if the ship's rules permit, the position of the ship at least once a day; 4th alphabetical List of Call Signs; 6th List of Coast and Ship Stations; 6th List of Radiolocation Stations; 7th List of Stations performing Special Services; 8th Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations, also such provisions of the Convention as relate to the radiocommunication service on board ship; 9th telegraph tariffs of the countries for which the station most frequently accepts radiotelegrams; 10th if administrations concerned consider it necessary, the Telegraph Regulations. 2033