Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/738

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERIAL-TELEC(oAII)MMNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 (App. 8 RR) Section II. For other Radiotelegraph Stations on Ships: - the documents mentioned in items 1 to 6 of Sec- tion I. Section IIL For Ship Stations Equipped Solely for Radiotelephony: 1st the documents mentioned in items 1 and 2 of section I; 2nd the log (diary of the radio service) in which the follow- ing are recorded as they occur, together with the time of their occurrence: a) a summary of all communications relating to distress, urgency and safety traffic, b) a summary of communications exchanged be- tween the ship station and land or mobile sta- tions, c) a reference to important service incidents; 3rd documents containing information necessary for the operation of the service. Section IV. For Ship Stations Equipped with Multiple Installations; 1st for each station, if necessary, the documents mentioned in items 1 to 3 of section I, 2nd for only one of them, the other documents mentioned in sections I or III, as appropriate. Section V. For Aircraft Stations: 1st the documents mentioned in items 1 and 2 of section L 2nd the log (diary of the radio service) as defined in item 3 of section I, unless administrations have adopted other arrangements for recording all information which the log should contain, 3rd the List of Aeronautical and Aircraft Stations, the List of Radiolocation Stations, or other documents containing official information relating to stations which the air- craft station may use for the execution of its service. 2035