Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/778

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C6i STAT.J MIULTILATERAL-TELEC(O)MMtNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 2075 (App. 9 RR) SECTION II. MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS AND SIGNALS Abbreviation or Signal AA AB ABV ADS AR AS BK BN BQ C CPM CL COL CP CQ CS DB DC DF DG DI DJ DO DP Definition All after ... (uedafter a question mark to request a repetition). All before ... (used after a question mark to request a repetition). Repeat (or I repeat) the figures in abbreviated form.. Address (used after a question mark to request a repetition). End of transmission (.. -. to be ai as one sinal). Waiting period (. .. . to be sent as ow signa). Signal used to interrupt a transmission in progress. All between ... and ... (used after a question mark to reqest a repetition). A reply to an RQ. Yes. Confirm (or I confirm). I am closing my station. Collate (or I collate). General call to two or more specified stations (see article 3). General call to all stations (see artice 31). Call sign (used to request a call sign). I cannot give you a bearing, you are not in the calibrated sector of this station. The minimum of your signal is suitable for the bearing. Your bearing at ... (time) was ... degrees, in the doubtful ector of this station, with a possible error of ... degrees. Please advise me if you note an error in the bearing given. Bearing doubtful in consequence of the bad quality of your signal. Bearinv doubtful because of interference. Bearing doubtful. Ask for another bearing later [or at ... (time)}. Possble error of bearing may amount to ... degres. 81939 0-52-PT. II---50 I