Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/843

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[63 STAT. Ante p. 1409. AND WHEREAS it is provided in Article 1 of the aforesaid convention that the International Telecommunication Union shall comprise Mem- bers and Associate Members and that a Member of the Union shall Ante, p. 1481. include, inter alia, "any country or group of territories listed in Annex 1 upon signature and ratification of, or accession to, this Convention, by it or on its behalf ;" Ante, p. 1431. AND WHEREAS it is provided in paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the aforesaid convention that the provisions of the convention are com- pleted by certain sets of administrative regulations, namely, telegraph regulations, telephone regulations, radio regulations, and additional radio regulations, and in paragraph 3 of the said Article 13 that these regulations shall be binding on all Members and Associate Members; AND WHEREAS the signature of the aforesaid convention on behalf of the United States of America was made subject to certain declarations as set forth in the aforesaid final protocol of signature as follows, to-wit: "For the United States of America: "Signature of this Convention for and in the name of the United States of America constitutes, in accordance with its constitutional processes, signature also on behalf of all territories of the United States of America. "The United States of America formally declares that the United States of America does not, by signature of this Convention on its behalf, accept any obligation in respect of the Telegral)h Regula- tions, the Telephone Regulations, or the Additional Radio R-gula- tions referred to in Article 13 of the Atlantic City Convention."; Advice and consent AND WHEREAS the Senate of the IUnited States of America by their Resolution of June 2, 1948, two-thirds of the Senators present con- curring therein, did aldvise and c(onsent to the ratification of the afore- Ante, pp. 1399, S a l(l convention, final lrotocol of signature, and radio regulations; 1544, 1580 . Ratification. AND WIEREAS the aforesaid convention, final protocol of signature, and radio regulations were duly ratified by the President of the United States of America on June 18, 1948, in pursuance of the aforesaid advice and consent of the Senate and subject to the above-recited declarations, the said ratification for and in the name of the United States of America constituting also ratification on behalf of all territories of the United States of America; Deposit of istru- AND WHEREAS the instrument of ratification by the United States of ment of ratification. America of the aforesaid convention, final protocol of signature, and radio regulations was deposited on July 17, 1948 with the Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union by diplomatic channel through the intermediary of the Government of Switzerland, Ante, . 1435. in pursuance of paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the aforesaid convention; Entry into forc. AND WHEREAS it is provided in Article 49 of the aforesaid convention that the convention shall enter into force on January 1, 1949 between countries, territories or groups of territories in respect of which in- struments of ratification or accession have been deposited before that date; 2140 TREATIES