Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/882

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MULTILATERAL-WHEAT-MAR . 23, 1949 stances which the exporting and the importing countries may wish to submit for consideration and in particular to the industrial programs of any country as well as to the normal traditional volume and ratio of imports of wheat- flour and wheat grain imported by the importing country concerned, shall, within seven days, decide the quantities, and also if requested to do so the quality and grade, of wheat grain and/or wheat-flour which it is appropriate for each or any of the exporting countries to sell to that im- porting country for loading during the relevant crop-year. (d) Each exporting country required by the Council's decision under subparagraph (c) to offer quantities of wheat grain and/or wheat-flour for sale to the importing country shall, within thirty days from the date of that decision, offer to sell those quantities to such importing country for loading during the relevant crop-year at prices consistent with the maximum prices specified in or determined under Article VI and, unless those countries agree otherwise, on the same conditions regarding the currency in which payment is to be made as prevail generally between them at that time. If no trade relations have hitherto existed between the exporting country and the importing country concerned and if those countries fail to agree on the currency in which payment is to be made, the Council shall decide the issue. (e) In case of disagreement between an exporting country and an importing country on the quantity of wheat-flour to be in- cluded in a particular transaction being negotiated in com- pliance with the Council's decision under subparagraph (c), or on the relation of the price of such wheat-flour to the maximum prices of wheat grain specified in or determined under Article VI, or on the conditions on which the wheat grain and/or wheat-flour shall be bought and sold, the matter shall be referred to the Council for decision. 2. (a) Any exporting country which finds difficulty in selling its unfulfilled guaranteed quantity for any crop-year at prices consistent with the minimum prices specified in or deter- mined under Article VI may request the Council's help in making the desired sales. (b) Within three days of the receipt of a request under sub- paragraph (a) the Secretary of the Council shall notify those importing countries which have unfulfilled guaranteed quantities for the relevant crop-year of the amount of the unfulfilled guaranteed quantity of the exporting country which has requested the Council's help and invite them to offer to purchase wheat at prices consistent with the minimum prices specified in or determined under Article VI. (c) If within fourteen days of the notification by the Secretary of the Council under subparagraph (b) the whole of the un- fulfilled guaranteed quantity of the exporting country con- 63 STAT.] 2181