Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/967

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2268 Post, p. 2270. Patents, trade marks, trade names, etc. Equality of taxes, etc. TREATIES [63 STAT. the laws and regulations of either High Contracting Party prohibitingorrestric- ting the direct or indirect ownership by aliens or foreign corporations and associations of the shares in, or instruments of indebtedness of, corporations and associations of such High Contracting Party carrying on particular types of activities. 4. The nationals, corporations and associations of either High Contracting Party shall, subject to the exceptions in paragraph 3 of Article IX, receive treatment in respect of all matters which relate to the acquisition, ownership, lease, possession or disposition of personal property, no less favorable than the treatment which is or may hereafter be accorded to nationals, corporations and associations of any third country. Article VIII The nationals, corporations and associations of either High Contracting Party shall enjoy, within the territories of the other High Contracting Party, all rights and privileges of whatever nature in regard to patents, trade marks, trade labels, trade names and other industrial property, upon compliance with the applicable laws and regulations respecting registration and other formalities, upon terms no less favorable than are or may hereafter be accorded to the nationals, corporations and associations of such other High Contracting Party, and no less favorable that ']the treatment now or hereafter accorded to nationals, corporations and associations of any third country. Article IX 1. Nationals, corporations and associations of either High Contracting Party shall not be subjected to the payment of internal taxes, fees and charges imposed upon or applied to income, capital, transactions, activities or any other object, or to requirements with respect to the levy and collection thereof, within the territories of the other High Contracting Party: (a) more burdensome than those borne by nationals, residents, and corpo- rations and associations of any third country; (b) more burdensome than those borne by nationals, corporations and associations of such other High Contracting Party, in the case of persons resident or engaged in business within the territories of such other High Contracting Party, and in the case of corporations and associations engaged in business therein, or organized and operated exclusively for scientific, educational, religious or philanthropic purposes. 2. In the case of corporations and associations ofeither High Contracting Party engaged in business within the territories of the other High Contracting Party, andin the case of nationals of either High Contracting Party engaged The word "that" should read "than".