Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/160

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. present time by the Civil Aero- nautics Board and, in the case of Panama, the Ministry which regu- lates aviation for the Republic of Panama or any person or entity authorized to perform the functions exercised at present by the said Ministry. Designated air- (b) The term "designated air- line" shall mean the airline or airlines that the aeronautical au- thorities of one of the Contracting Parties shall have designated to operate the agreed air routes in Ante, p.U4. accordance with Article II of this Agreement, it being an indispen- sable requirement that such desig- nation be communicated in writing to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party. "Air service." (C) The term "air service" shall mean any scheduled air service performed by aircraft for the pub- lic transport of passengers, mail or cargo. naair ) The term "international air ervice.T service" shall mean an air service which passes through the air space over areas with respect to which more than one State has jurisdiction. 'Airline." (e) The term "airline" shall mean any air transport enterprise offering or operating an interna- tional air service. "Stop for non-traffic purposes. " "Persons who are immigration responsi- bility of U.S . in Canal Zone. " (f) The term "stop for non- traffic purposes" shall mean a landing for any purpose other than taking on or discharging passengers, cargo or mail. (g) The phrase "persons who are the immigration responsibility of the United States of America in the Canal Zone" shall mean those persons who are admitted to the Canal Zone in accordance with the Canal Zone immigration las funciones que ejerce en la actualidad la Junta de Aeronaiu- tica Civil; y, en el caso de Panama, el Ministerio que reglamenta el funcionamiento de la Aviaci6n en la Republica de Panama, o cual- quiera persona o entidad autori- zada para desempefar las fun- ciones que ejerce en la actualidad dicho Ministerio. (b) El t6rmino "linea aerea de- signada" significara a linea o lineas aereas que las autoridades aeronauticas de una de las Partes Contratantes hayan designado para explotar las rutas a6reas con- venidas de conformidad con el Artfculo II de este Convenio, siendo requisito indispensable que tal designaci6n se comunique por escrito a las autoridades aeronau- ticas de la otra Parte Contratante. (c) El t6rmino "servicio aereo" significara todo servicio aereo por itinerario prestado por aeronaves para el transporte publico de pasa- jeros, correo o carga. (d) El termino "servicio a6reo internacional" significara el ser- vicio aereo que pase por el espacio aereo de areas sobre las cuales tenga jurisdicci6n mas de un Estado. (e) El termino "linea aerea" significara toda empresa de trans- porte a6reo que ofrezca o man- tenga un servicio a6reo interna- cional. (f) El t6rmino "escala tecnica" significara un aterrizaje para cual- quier otro objeto que no sea el de tomar o dejar pasajeros, carga o correo. (g) La frase "personas cuya inmigraci6n es de responsabilidad de los Estados Unidos de America en la Zona del Canal" significara las personas que son admitidas a la Zona del Canal, de acuerdo con las leyes y reglamentos de inmi- li se 2464