Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/348

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63 STAT.] MEXICO-ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Dec. 4, 1943, Apr. 19, 1944 2653 June 21, 1949 Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO 63655 MEXIco, D. F., April 19, 1944. MR. AMBASSADOR: I have the honor to refer again to Your Excellency's courteous note, An, p. 2649 . number 2100, dated December 4, 1943, in which you were good enough to transmit to me a memorandum which contains the bases of an agree- ment on cooperation in anthropological investigations which will be carried out by the Mexican Government, through the Institute of Anthropology and History, and by the Government of the United States of America, through the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Smithsonian Institution. The appropriate authorities having been consulted in this matter, I, in accordance with their wishes, have the honor to inform Your Ex- cellency that the Government of Mexico accepts the Agreement which the Government of the United States of America was so good as to propose to it and considers it as being completed by this note and your Embassy's note to which I referred. The above-mentioned authorities have already given the necessary instructions to the end that Mexico may begin to fulfill the terms of the Agreement. I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. E. PADrILA His Excellency GEORGE S. MESSERXITH, Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiaryof the United States of America. City.