Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/362

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63 STAT.] PHIIUPPINES-MIITARY RESERVATIONS-MAY 14, 16, 1949 ferred to as the Philippine Independence Act; to the Joint Resolu- tion of the Congress of the United States of America of June 29, 1944, which authorized the President of the United States of America to acquire bases for the mutual protection of the United States and of the Philippines; to Joint Resolution No. 4 of the Con- gress of the Philippines, approved July 28, 1945, which authorized the President of the Philippines to enter into negotiations for the establishment of such bases; to the Treaty of General Relations (including the Protocol thereto) Between the United States of America and the Philippines signed on July 4, 1946; to the Agree- ment Between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines Concerning Military Bases signed at Manila on March 14, 1947; and to other legislation and public acts of the United States of America and of the Philippines pertinent to the transfer to the Republic of the Philippines, following the declaration of its independence, of certain United States military bases the use of which was not reserved to the United States by the aforemen- tioned Agreement of March 14, 1947, or which have not otherwise been reserved, encumbered or disposed of, and to inform Your Excellency that, in accordance with its obligations under the afore- said acts, resolutions and agreement, the Government of the United States of America relinquishes to the Government of the Philippines the use of, and transfers to that Government such right and title to, or interest in, the United States military reservations listed in Annex 1 attached hereto, as the United States may have therein. There is also annexed hereto a list of the available Executive Orders and Torrens Certificates of Title whereunder the United States has claimed title to and possession of the military reservations in the aforementioned Annex 1 attached hereto. "The Government of the United States recognizes the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company as the lawful owner of certain buildings and installations at Camp Eldridge, Laguna. Therefore I desire to point out to Your Excellency that these particular instal- lations are excepted from any of the provisions of this note concern- ing the turnover of installations and improvements on the military reservations listed in the aforementioned Annex 1 attached hereto. "I further desire to inform Your Excellency that the United States Government assures the Philippine Government that it will make no claims now or in the future against the Philippine Govern- ment with a view to recovering funds expended in the acquisition of title to the temporary bases and installations included in the military reservations listed in the aforementioned Annex 1 attached hereto. "In hereby making final and formal the transfer of the property listed in Annex 1 attached hereto, the United States requests that the Republic of the Philippines assume as of March 27, 1949 all responsibility, risk of loss, and liability for the care, custody, pro- 2667 48 Stat. 456. 48U. S.C. . 1231 vq. 58 Stat. 626. 48 U.S. . if 123i, 1240 note. 61 Stat. , Pt. 2, p. 1174 . 61 Stat. , Pt. 4, p. 4019 . Ante, p. 2662 . Anie, p. 2663 .