Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/400

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68 STAT.] BURMA-EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION D e c 18, 1948 May 12, 1949 bers under the revised procedure. The present three Burmese mem- bers are: Sao Saimong, Chief Education officer, Shan States Dr. Htin Aung, Administrator, Rangoon University U Tha Hla (substituting for U Cho), Director of Public Instruction. Please accept, Sir, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. R. AUSTIN ACLY ,Charged'Affaires ad interim The Honorable U KYAw NYEIN MAnister for ForeignAffairs Rangoon, Burma The Burmese Foreign Offce to the American Embassy FOREIGN OFFICE I RANOOON A/2a/E 12 May 1949. The Foreign Office presents its compliments to the American Em- bassy and with reference to the Embassy's letter No. 298 dated the 18th December, 1948, has the honour to say that the Government of the Union of Burma agree to the proposed amendment to Article 5 of the United States Educational Exchange Agreement and desire to nominate the following under the revised procedure as Burmese members, of the Board of Directors of the Foundation: 1. U Cho, K.S.M ., B.A ., B.Ed . (Edin). 2. Sao Saimong, Chief Education Officer, Shan States. 3. Dr. Htin Aung, Administratpr, University of Rangoon. 4. Daw K'in K'in Gyi, President, The All-Burma Women's Free- dom League, Rangoon. The Foreign Office avails itself of this opportunity of renewing to the American Embassy the assurance of its highest consideration. AMERICAN EMBASSY, Rangoon. 2705 62 Stat., Pt. 2 p. 1816 .