Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/466

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STArT.] NORWAY-EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION-MAY 25, 1949 howrve, that in the event it is food to be impracticable for the oard to ecurr an appointee ac- oeptable to the Chirma, the Gor- eresnt of the United States my rovide an Executive Officer and each dasitante a* my be deemed naoeery to ensure the effective operation of the progra.The Exe- cutie Officer shall be responsible for the direction and supervision of the Board's progras and activi- ties in accordance with the Board' reolutions and directivee. In his absene or diability, the Board my appoint a substitute for such tie as it dem necessary or deeir- able. Article 10 lbe decisions of the Board in all atters my, n the discretion of the Secrtary of State of the United States of Ameria. be subjeot to his Article 11 he Boyal Norweglan Government shll, subsequent to 30 day of the date of the eignature of the present agreemet, deposit such amounts of crrency of the Boyal Norwegian Gov- ermaet as my be requested by the GoTersmet of the United States of America until an aggregate amount of the currency of the Royal Norwegian Goverment equivalent to $1,250,000 (United States currency) shall have been o depdoited, provided however, that in no event wshll a total amount of the currenoy of the Royal lor- wegl Georenmat la e*oees of the equivawlat f $250,000 (United StateS ntmlig for Styret A finne en kan- didat son formanen kan godkjenne, kan De Forente Staters Regjering stille til rdighet en generalsekre- tar og de edhjelpere en anser nUd- vendige for A eikre en effektiv drift av virksombeten. Generaleekre- tren skal ha ansvaret for ledeloen av ogveroppsynet eod Styrets til- tak og virksomhet i samsrar ed Styrete vedtak og direktiver. Under hans fravyr eller sykdom kan Styret tilsette en vikar for den tid Styret finner nodvendig eller dnskelig. Artikkel 10 Alle styrevedtak kan ongjdres av Amerikas Forente Staters uten- riLnliseter otter hans godtykke. Artikkel 11 Den Kongelige Nore r egjering skal tidliget 30 dager etter at denne artale er undertegnet, depo- nere de belap i norske betalings- midler son Amerikas Forente Staters eRgjering matte anmode on inntil det er blitt utbetalt en samlet sum i norske kroner srarende til 1.250.000 aaerikanske dollars. Det forutsettes dog at det i lopet av ett kalenderAr under ingen oatendighet skal ut- betales en sanlet a i norske be- talingsmdler son overstiger 250.000 aneriknake dollars. 2771 Review of decisions Depoits.