Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/84

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. TITLE II Composition and Personnel ARTICLE 6. This Mission shall consist of such personnel of the United States Navy as may be agreed upon between the Secre- tary of State for National De- fense, through the authorized rep- resentative of the Government of Haiti in Washington, and the Navy Department of the United States of America. TITLE III Duties, Rank, and Precedence ARTICLE 7. The personnel of the Mission shall perform such duties as may be agreed upon between the Secretary of State for National Defense and the Chief of the Mission. ARTICLE 8. The members of the Mission shall be responsible solely to the Secretary of State for National Defense, through the Chief of the Mission. ARTICLE 9. Each member of the Mission shall serve on it with the rank he holds in the United States Navy. He shall wear the uniform of the United States Navy and shall have precedence over all Haitian officers of the same rank. ARTICLE 10. Each member of the Mission shall be entitled to the same benefits and privileges which the Regulations of the Coast Guard of Haiti provide for officers and enlisted men of corresponding rank. ARTICLE 11. The personnel of the Mission shall be governed by the disciplinary regulations of the United States Navy. TITRE II Composition et Personnel ARTICLE 6. La Mission sera composee de tel personnel de la Marine des Etats-Unis qui sera convenu entre le Secr6taire d'Etat de la Defense Nationale, par I'intermediaire du representant au- toris6 du Gouvernement d'Haiti a Washington, et le Departement de la Marine des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. TITRE III Fonctions, Grade, et Preseance ARTICLE 7. Le personnel de la Mission remplira telles fonctions qui pourront etre convenues entre le Secr6taire d'Etat de la Defense Nationale et le Chef de la Mission. ARTICLE 8. Les membres de la Mission seront responsables seule- ment vis-a -vis du Secretaire d'Etat de la Defense Nationale, par 'in- termediaire du Chef de la Mission. ARTICLE 9. Chaque membre de la Mission y servira avec le grade qu'il a dans la Marine des Etats- Unis. II portera l'uniforme de la Marine des Etats-Unis et aura la pr6s6ance sur tous les officiers de meme grade. ARTICLE 10. Chaque membre de la Mission aura droit aux memes avantages et privileges que les Reglements des Garde-C6tes d'Haiti prevoient pour les officiers et enr6les du mnme grade. ARTICLE 11. Le personnel de la Mission sera r/gi par les regle- ments disciplinaires de la Marine des Etats-Unis. Benefits and privi- DTeipoiln y regula- tie. 2388