Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/90

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2394 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. the deceased, under the provisions of this Article, shall be paid within fifteen (15) days of the decease of the said member. TITLE V Obligationsand Conditions ARTICLE 22. So long as this Agreement, or any extension there- of, is in effect, the Government of the Republic of Haiti agrees not to engage the services of a Mission of any other foreign government for duties of any nature connected with the Coast Guard of Haiti, except by mutual agreement be- tween the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Haiti. ARTICLE 23. Each member of the Mission shall agree not to divulge or in any way disclose to any government or individual any secret or confidential matter of which he may become cognizant in his capacity as a member of the Mission. This requirement shall continue in force after the termi- nation of his services with the Mission and after the expiration or cancellation of this Agreement or any extension thereof. ARTICLE 24. In the terms of this Agreement, the word "fam- ily" is understood, for each mem- I ber of the Mission, to mean his I wife and their minor children. ARTICLE 25. Each member of the Mission shall be entitled to one month's annual leave with i pay, or to a proportional part of < such leave with pay for any frac- tional part of a year. The un- ( used portion of such leave shall 1 dans les quinze (15) jours qui suivront le d6ces dudit membre. TITRE V Obligations et Conditions ARTICLE 22. Pendant la dar6e du present accord ou de toute prorogation y relative, le Gou- vernement de la Republique d'- Haiti s'engage a n'employer les services d'une mission d'aucun autre gouvernement etranger pour des activit6s de quelque nature que ce soit, int6ressant les Garde- C6tes d'Haiti, sauf par entente mutuelle entre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Ameique et le Gouvernement de la R6publique d'Haiti. ARTICLE 23. Chaque membre de la Mission s'engagera A ne divul- guer ou reveler de quelque facon que ce soit a aucun gouvernement ou particulier aucun secret ou aucune affaire confidentielle dont il pourrait avoir connaissance en sa qualit6 de membre de la Mis- sion. Cette interdiction conti- nuera a etre valable apres la fin de ses services aupres de la Mis- sion et apres l'expiration ou l'an- nulation du present accord ou de toute prorogation y relative. ARTICLE 24. Aux termes du present accord, le mot "famille" s'entend, pour chaque membre de la Mission, comme signifiant son 6pouse et leurs enfants mineurs. ARTICLE 25. Chaque membre de la Mission aura droit a un mois de conge annuel avec solde, ou a une partie proportionnelle de ce conge pour toute fraction d'une anne. La portion non uti- is6e de ce congo sera accumulbe Seerecy require- meat. .. lrmny." Annual leave.