Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/220

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186 Transfer of funds.

63 Stat. 407. 31 U.S.C. § 712a note.

64 Stat. 634.

PUBLIC LAW 111—AUG. 11, 1951

[65 STAT.

headquarters if such detail increases above fifty-five the total number of enlisted men so detailed to duty at such time: Provided further, That (a) the unobligated balance of appropriation to the Coast Guard for the fiscal year 1951 for "Operating expenses" shall be transferred on July 1, 1951, to the account established by the Surplus Fund-Certified Claims Act of 1949 for payment of certified claims; (b) amounts equal to the unliquidated obligations on July 1, 1951, against the appropriation "Operating expenses", fiscal year 1951, and the appropriations to the Coast Guard for the fiscal year 1950 which were merged therewith pursuant to the Treasury Department Appropriation Act, 1951, shall be transferred to and merged with this appropriation, and such merged appropriation shall be available as one fund, except for accounting purposes of the Coast Guard, for the payment of obligations properly incurred against such prior year appropriations and against this appropriation, but on July 1, 1952, there shall be transferred from such merged appropriation to the appropriation for payment of certified claims (1) any remaining unexpended balance of the 1950 appropriations so transferred, and (2) any remaining unexpended balance of the 1951 appropriation so transferred which is in excess of the obligations then remaining unliquidated against such appropriation. ACQUisrriON, C O N S II W C T I O N, AND IMPROVEMENTS

For establishing and improving aids to navigation; the purchase or construction of additional and replacement vessels and their equipment; the purchase of aircraft and their equipment; the construction, rebuilding, or extension of shore facilities, including the acquisition of sites and improvements thereon when specifically approved by the Secretary; and for expenditures directly relating thereto, including personal services; $15,350,000, to remain available until expended. RETIRED Px\Y

For retired pay for commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel; for certain members of the former Life Saving 63 Stat. 526. Service authorized by law (14 U.S.C. 481b); and for certain officers and employees entitled thereto by virtue of former employment in the Lighthouse Service engaged in the field service or on vessels of 40 Stat. 608; 43 Stat. 1261. the Coast Guard (33 U.S.C. 763, 765); including the payment of obligations therefor incurred during prior fiscal years; $16,647,000. RESERVE T R A I N I N G 63 Stat. 551, 804.

Citation of title.

Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 1952.

For all necessary expenses for the Coast Guard Reserve, as authorized by law (14 U.S.C. 751-762; 37 U.S.C. 231-319), including expenses for regular personnel, or reserve personnel while on active duty, engaged primarily in administration of the reserve program; purchase of not to exceed ten passenger motor vehicles; and the maintenance, operation, and repair of aircraft; $1,850,000. SEC. 102. This title may be cited as the "Treasury Department Appropriation Act, 1952". TITLE II—POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT For administration and operation of the Post Office Department and the postal service, there is hereby appropriated the aggregate amount of postal revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, as authorized by law (5 U.S.C. 380; 39 U.S.C. 786), together with an amount from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropri-