Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/420

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PUBLIC LAW 165—OCT. 10, 1951

[65 STAT.

currency requirements of appropriate committees of the Congress engaged in carrying out their duties under section 136 of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946". UNITED NATIONS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE

SEC. 528. The Act for International Development is amended— ^ u*8.^.'J 1567b. (^) -^y adding before the period at the end of section 404(b) the following: ": Provided, That for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, such contributions from funds made available under authority of sections 101(a)(2), 203, 302, and 402 of the Mutual Security Act of 1951 shall not exceed in the aggregate $13,000,000, and the use of such contributions shall not be limited to the area covered by the section of the Act from which the funds are drawn". 22 u. 8. c. § i557e. (^\^^ g y adding at the end of section 407 a new paragraph: " (d) Participating countries shall be encouraged to establish fair labor standards of wages and working conditions and managementlabor relations." 22 U.S.C. s 15571. (c) By repealing section 414. TERMINATION OF ASSISTANCE BY PRESIDENT

SEC. 529. If the President determines that the furnishing of assistance to any nation— (a) is no longer consistent with the national interest or security of the United States or the policies and purpose of this Act; or (b) would contravene a decision of the Security Council of the United Nations; or (c) would be inconsistent with the principle that members of the United Nations should refrain from giving assistance to any nation against which the Security Council or the General Assembly has recommended measures in case of a threat to, or breach of, the peace, or act of aggression, he shall terminate all or part of any assistance furnished pursuant to this Act. The function conferred herein shall be in addition to all other functions heretofore conferred with respect to the termination of military, economic, or technical assistance. EXPIRATION or PROGRAM

SEC. 530. (a) After June 30, 1954, or after the date of the passage of a concurrent resolution by the two Houses of Congress before such date, none of the authority conferred by this Act or by the Mutual 63 Stat. 714.

Defense Assistance Act of 1949, as amended (22 U.S.C. 1571-1604)

may be exercised; except that during the twelve months following such date equipment, materials, commodities, and services with respect to which procurement for, shipment to, or delivery in a recipient country had been authorized prior to such date, may be transferred to such country, and funds appropriated under authority of this Act may be obligated during such twelve-month period for the necessary expenses of procurement, shipment, delivery, and other activities essential to such transfer and shall remain available during such period for the necessary expenses of liquidating operations under this Act. Transfer of powers, ^j^^ ^ ^ g^^^.]^ ^-j^g j^g ^j^g President shall find appropriate after such etc. date, and prior to the expiration of the twelve months following such date, the powers, duties, and authority conferred by this Act and by the Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, as amended, may be transferred for the purpose of liquidation to such other departments, agencies, or establishments of the Government as the President shall specify, and the relevant funds, records, property and personnel may