Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/1308

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Social Security Adminstration—Con. Page Commissioner, Office of, appropriation for 114, 123, 369 Federal Credit Unions, Bureau of— Appropriation for 114, 367 Federal Credit Union Act, amendments 63, 66, 70 Federal old-age and survivors insurance t r u s t fund— Availability of funds 368 Transfer of funds from 369 G r a n t s to States, appropriation for 368, 369 M a t e r n a l and child welfare, g r a n t s to States, appropriation for 368 Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, Bureau of— Appropriation for 105, 123, 368 P l a n s and specifications for building, funds for 368 P a y costs, increased, appropriation for, 114, 123 Public Assistance, Bureau of, appropriation for 114, 123, 368 Withholding of moneys from State agen cies, restriction 370 Social Security Taxes, funds available for payment by Government d e part m e n t s and agencies 661 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allots ment Act: Amendment, extension of time on payments and grants of aid 95 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 346 Soil Conservation Service. See under Agriculture, Department of. Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940: Amendment, seizure of property, etc., penalty 151 Extension of benefits to persons serving with U. S. allies, continuation of emergency powers 56, 96, 137, 296 Soldiers' Home, U, S.: Appropriation for 582 P a y costs, increased, appropriation for_ 117 Retired military personnel on duty, exemption from retired pay limitation 520 South Coulee Dam, designation as Dry Falls D a m 576 South Dakota: Badlands National Monument, boundary adjustments 65 Fish cultural facilities, appropriation for construction 456 Public schools and institutions, pooling of moneys with North D a k o t a and Washington for 283

INDEX South Dakota—Continued Page Sioux Indians, contracts for lands, etc., for Oahe D a m and Reservoir, time extension for negotiation 46 Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for 117, 445 Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for 446 Spain, Assistance to: Appropriation authorized 141 Appropriation for 652 Sports Programs, conduct for benefit of American National Red Cross, exclusion of proceeds from gross income for tax purposes 442 Standards, National Bureau of. See National Bureau of Standard s under Commerce, Department of. Standing Rock Reservation, contracts for lands, etc., for Oahe D a m and Reservoir, time extension for negotiation._ 46 State, Department of: Appropriation Act 549 Appropriation for 119, 126, 549, 650, 654 Austria, government in occupied areas, appropriation for 650 Chauffeurs, restriction 572 Contracts exempt from prohibition on interest by Members of Congress.. 555 Diplomatic and consular establishments, exchange of funds for expenses, nonapplicability of certain provisions to 555 Educational exchange activities, use of local currencies for 151 Foreign agricultural workers, employment agreements, appropriation for 359 Foreign areas other than G e r m any and Austria, responsibilities for government, etc., authority 651 Foreign currencies or credits, funds for purchase 556 Foreign Service— Acquisition of buildings abroad, appropriation for 550 Automobiles, application of exchange allowances or sale proceeds to replacements; cost limitation 550 Buildings, appropriation a u t h o r i z e d. 140 Emergencies in Diplomatic and Consular Service, appropriation for. 550 Leases, acquisition, authority 550 Representation allowances, appropriation for 550 Retirement and disability system, increase in annuities 81 Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926, amendments 140