Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/1318

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Veterans Administration—Continued Page Transportation of employees between field stations and nearest public transportation, continuation of emergency powers... 56, 96, 137, 296, 332 Tuition, appropriation for payment 410 Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 663 Veterans' special term insurance fund, appropriation for 110 Veterans' Preference Act of 1944, Amendment, Federal employment preference, extension to veterans with service after termination of war and prior to July 2, 1955 626, 627 Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 663 Appropriation authorized 682, 691 Educational and vocational assistance. 663 Job counseling and employment placement 691 Loans 682 Mustering-out payments 688 Policy 663 Unemployment compensation for veterans of service on or after June 27, 1950 684 Veterans' Remployment Rights, Bureau of. See under Labor, Department of. Veterans Regulation Numbered 1 (a): Part I— Paragraph II— Subparagraphs (k)-(p), amendments 295 Subparagraph (q), addition 295 Paragraph IV, amendment 90 Part I l l Paragraph I (f), amendment 90 Paragraph II (a), amendment 91 Vice President of the United States: Automobile, appropriation for 112, 465 Expense allowance, appropriation for.. 464 Office of, appropriation for 464 Vint Hill Farms, Va., construction of family housing authorized 608 Virgin Islands: Administration, appropriation for 457 Agricultural program, appropriation for. 337 Airport program, Federal-aid, appropriation for 563 Federal Credit Union Act, extension of.. 66 Housing. See separate title. Judges, appropriation for salaries 568 National School Lunch Act, apportionment of funds under • 591 Public works, appropriation for 459 Saint Thomas, transfer of Fort Segarra and Crown Mountain air warning site to control of Interior Department 588

Virgin Islands—Continued Page Social Security Act, Federal payments under 778, 779, 780 Virgin Islands Corporation: Administrative expenses, appropriation and contract authority for 461 Appropriation for 461 Revolving fund, appropriation for 461 Virginia: National Capital park and parkway system, extension, appropriation authorized; restrictions 791 National Capital Regional Planning Council, establishment, members, etc 783 Petersburg Battlefield Museum Corp., conveyance of Centre Hill Mansion to 324 Vocational Education Act of 1946, appropriation for carrying out provisions __ 363 Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of. See under Federal Security Agency. Vocational Rehabilitation Act, appropriation for carrying out provisions 364 Vodka, elimination of rectification tax 89 W

Wage and Hour Division. See under Labor, Department of. Wage Stabilization. See Defense Production Act. Wage Stabilization Board. See under Economic Stabilization Agency. Walker Air Force Base, Roswell, N. Mex., construction of facilities authorized. _ 615 Walla Walla City-County Airport, Wash,, appropriation for claims 103 Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act, Amendments 308 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C, construction of facilities authorized 608 War Claims Act of 1948, Amendments: Payments for persons under legal disability 49 Philippines, compensation of religious organizations for war losses 48 Prisoners of war, compensation for forced labor and inhumane treatment 47 War Claims Commission, appropriation for 410,645 War Claims Fund, transfer of funds to Bureau of Employees' Compensation, Department of Labor 360 War Colleges: National War College, appropriation for 520 Naval War College, appropriation for. 524