Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/805

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66 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 585-JULY 17, 1952

" (G) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the parity price for any basic agricultural commodity, as of any date during the six-year period beginning January 1, 1950, shall not be less than its parity price computed in the manner used prior to the enactment of the Agricultural Act of 1949." SEC. 2. Section 101 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 is amended by adding the following paragraph at the end of section 101(d) thereof: "(6) The level of support of cooperators shall be 90 per centum of the parity price for the 1953 and 1954 crops of any basic agricultural commodity with respect to which producers have not disapproved marketing quotas." SEC. 3. The Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended, is amended as follows: 1. Add a new subsection (f) at the end of section 101 of such Act, as follows: " (f) The provisions of this Act relating to price support for cotton shall apply severally to (1) American upland cotton and (2) extra long staple cotton described in subsection (a) and ginned as required by subsection (e) of section 347 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, except that the level of price support which shall be made available to cooperators for extra long staple cotton of the 1953 crop if producers have not disapproved marketing quotas therefor shall be at a level bearing the same relationship to the level of price support determined for American upland cotton as the average farm price for extra long staple cotton during the period 1936-1942, inclusive, bore to such price for American upland cotton. Disapproval by producers of the quota proclaimed under such section 347 shall place into effect the provisions of section 101(d)(3) of this Act with respect to the extra long staple cotton described in subsection (a) of such section 347. Nothing contained herein shall affect the authority of the Secretary under section 402 to make support available for extra long staple cotton in accordance with such section 402." 2. Add a new section 420 to such Act, reading as follows: "SEC. 420. Any price support program in effect on cottonseed or any of its products shall be extended to the same seed and products of the cottons defined under section 347(a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended." SEC. 4. Section 347 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended to read as follows:

7 USC 1441. Cooperators.



7 USC 1422.

Long staple cotton.

63 Stat. 675. 7 USC 1347.


"SEC. 347. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the provisions of this part shall not apply to extra long staple cotton which is produced from pure strain varieties of the Barbadense species, or any hybrid thereof, or other similar types of extra long staple cotton designated by the Secretary having characteristics needed for various end uses for which American upland cotton is not suitable, and grown in irrigated cotton-growing regions of the United States designated by the Secretary or other areas designated by the Secretary as suitable for the production of such varieties or types. "(b) Whenever during any calendar year, not later than October 15, the Secretary determines that the total supply of cotton described in subsection (a) for the marketing year beginning in such calendar year will exceed the normal supply thereof for such marketing year by more than 8 per centum, the Secretary shall proclaim such fact and a national marketing quota shall be in effect for the crop of such cotton produced in the next calendar year. The Secretary shall also determine and specify in such proclamation the amount of the national


National marketing quotas.