Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/1003

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Page District of Columbia—Continued Page District of Columbia—Continued Courts—Continued B a n k r u p t c y referees serving in District Juvenile Court—Continued of Columbia, residence of 366 Psychiatric service, appropriation Board of Education. Sec Public for 283 schools, this title. Suspension of imposition or execuBondsmen, records to be kept by 106 tion of sentence 65 Bottle clubs, licenses for 102 Law Enforcement Act of 1953 90 Casualty Hospital, appropriation for Municipal C o u r t — contractual services 284 Appropriation for 283 Central Dispensary and Emergency C o n t e m p t, penalty for 108 Hospital, contractual services, a p Detainer, unlawful, restitution p r o propriation for 284 cedure 66 Ceremony expenses, appropriation for__ 279 Suspension of imposition or execuChildren's Convalescent Home, a p p r o tion of sentence 65 priation for contractual services. - _ 284 P r o b a t e court— Children's Hospital, appropriation for Authorization for continuing decontractual services 284 cedent's business 66 Civil defense— Funeral expenses, increase in Appointment of member of police or a m o u n t allowable from defire d e part m e n t 139 cedent's estate 358 Appropriation for 57, 283 Reimbursement to United States for Claims, appropriation for settlement. - 58, 418 United States courts 283, 335, 375 Columbia Hospital for Women and Tax Court, appropriation for 283 Lying-in Asylum, funds available. _ 427 United States Attorney, power of inColumbia Institute for the Deaf, p a y vestigators assigned to 102 ments to 249 United States commissioners, a u t h o r Compensation and retirement fund ity to employ secretarial and expenses, appropriation for 57, 279 clerical assistants and incur exCorporation Counsel— penses 102 Appropriation for Office of 279 Credit Union Act, amendments 260 Claims, appropriation for settlement, Criminal offenses— limitation 279 Abortion 93 Corrections, Department of— Arrests without a warrant, authority Advances to Director 295 for 96 Appropriation for 285 Assault on police officer 95 Dangerous weapons control 93, 94 Courts— Disorderly conduct 98 Appeals, Court of, sale price of Fornication 99 reports, limitation 335 Gambling 95 Appeals, Municipal Court of, approMinimum sentences for certain crimes. 91 priation for 283 Appropriation for 57, 283 Possessing implements of crime 97 District Court of United States— Presence in illegal establishments 97 Narcotics users, proceedings 77 Receiving stolen goods 98 Outer Continental Shelf lands, reSex offenses 92 -' view of determinations with reTaking of property 99 gard to mineral leases 467, 469 T h r e a t s to do bodily h a r m 98 Extradition, authority for 106 Unlawful assembly; profane and inJurors, qualifications of 107 decent language 97 Juvenile Court— Daylight-saving time, establishment Absconding probationers, advances authority 23 to secure r e t u r n of 295 Debt service, appropriation for 280 Appropriation for 283