Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/1005

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District of Columbia—Continued Page District of Columbia—Continued Page Metropolitan Police—Continued Potomac Electric Power Co., Benning Plant, restriction on interference Fees for storing property 101 with rail transportation to 289 Mobile laboratory 101 Protective institutions, appropriation Pensions and retirement compensafor 286 tion, automatic equalization 75 Records requirements 99 Providence Hospital, appropriation for contractual services 284 Release of prisoners of Parole Board, notice of 100 Psychiatrist and psychologist, appointment authority 105 Reports by independent police 100 Public Library— Salaries 72 Appropriation for 281 Montrose Park, erection of Sara Louisa Librarian, advances to 295 Rittenhouse memorial 196 Public schools— Motor-Vehicle Parking Agency, approAdministration, general, appropriapriation for 290 tion for 57, 280 Motor vehicle parking fund, sums payable from 278 Advances to Superintendent 295 Appropriation for 57, 280 Municipal Architect— Board of Education employees— Appropriation for Office of 287 Crediting of annual leave accrued Protective institutions, availability or current as of Mar. 5, 1952_ _ 362 of funds 286 Salary increase 363 Public schools, availability of funds _ _ 281 Study of pay scale; report to ConNarcotics users, treatment of 77 gress 364 National Capital Parks, appropriation Buildings, appropriation for operafor 292 tion and maintenance 281 National Capital Planning Commission, Capital outlay, appropriation for 281 appropriation for 309 National Conference of Commissioners Construction, etc., appropriation for_ 281 on Uniform State Laws, appropriaOperating expenses, appropriation tion for support 278 for 57,280 Pages, House, Senate, and Supreme National Guard, appropriation for 292 National Training School for Boys, Court, advances for education. _ 10, 326 appropriation for care and mainteSupervision and instruction, appronance of boys committed to 286 priation for 57,280 Overthrow of United States GovernTeachers— ment, restriction on employment of Double-salary restriction, nonpersons advocating 293 applicability for designated Park Police— period 281 Availability of funds 271 Retirement and annuity fund, Salaries 76 appropriation for 279 Partnerships, effect of failure to pubSubstitutes, employment during lish 62 absence of teacher or attendance officer on leave without Personal services, funds for 295 Police. See Metropolitan Police and pay 362 Park Police, this title', also White Teachers' Leave Act of 1949, amendHouse Police. ment, employment of substiPolice and Firemen's Salary Act of tutes 362 1953 72 Teachers' Salary Act of 1947, amendComputation of pay of Fire Department, salary i ncrease 363 ment employees from July 1 to Vocational education, appropriation 11, 1953 182 for 280 Policemen's and firemen's relief, approPublic Utilities Commission— priation for 279 General counsel, compensation of 279