Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/1025

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SUBJECT Housing—Continued Page Mortgage insurance—Continued Military housing— Certification of cost of physical improvements; payment of loan in excess of cost 124 Interest rate 124 T i m e extension 124 M u t u a l mortgage insurance fund, transfer of p r e m i u m charges to general reinsurance account; termination of insurance and distribution of funds 122 National defense housing insurance— Interest rate 124 Reimbursement of costs on housing found unnecessary for defense purposes after c o m m i t m e n t to insure 124 R e n t a l housing insurance-— M a t u r i t y term of debentures 123 Mortgage ceilings 122 R e payment of insurance funds to Treasury 123 Single-family residence where m o r t gage does not exceed $12,000, authority of the President to order higher ratio of loan to value and longer m a t u r i t y 121 Transfer of insurance funds, authorization 123 National Capital Housing Authority, appropriation for 309 National Housing Act, amendments 4, 121-125, 128 Prefabricated housing, funds available for loans on 314 Public Housing Administration— Appropriation for 306, 315 Bonds, local, refunding of 315, 316 Non-Federal projects, representative at sites 315 Travel expenses, funds available 315 Public works, a d v a n c e planning of nonFederal, reduction in appropriation 308 Rejection of projects by local communities 306 R e n t control— Critical defense housing areas— New construction and conversion, exception 24 Review and determination 24, 25

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Housing—Continued Page R e n t control—Continued District of Columbia. See separate title. Federal employees and members of Uniformed Services, quarters supplied to, applicabihty of Budget Bureau Circular A-45_ 437 Local advisory boards in noncritical areas, repeal of creation authorization 24 Officers to assist t e n a n t s and small landlords in defense-rental areas, repeal of designation authorization 24 Protest and review proceedings 25 R e n t Stabilization, Office of, liquidation 25 Termination date 24 Research program, funds available for liquidation 305 Slum clearance and urban redevelopment— Appropriation for 305 Authority to enter into contracts for capital grants with local public agencies in States 127 Interest, definition of "going Federal rate" 127 Subversive organizations, restriction on occupancy of housing by m e m bers 307 United States Housing Act of 1937, amendment 128 Veterans and servicemen— F"ps and charges in connection with financing, regulation by Administ r a to r of Veterans' Affairs 127 Interest rates 135, 136 Korean veterans, extension of benefits to 24, 132 Sale or rental priority, time extension and applicability 24 Time extension for loan program 136 Housing and Home Finance Agency. See under Housing. Hovenweep National Monument, Colorado and Utah, enlargement, proclamation c21 Howard University, appropriation for 250 Human Nutrition and Home Economics, Bureau of. See under Agriculture, Department of.