Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/1037

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Page Page Labor, Department of—Continued Leave payments, transfer of funds for 248 Mexican farm labor program — 156 Appropriation for 247 Time extension for availability of 155 workers 500 Transfer of funds 13 156 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re341 striction on employment of persons advocating 259 425 Passenger vehicles, limitation on n u m ber 439 cl5 Personnel work, restriction on employees 259 Publicity or propaganda, restriction on 155 use of funds for 259 479 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation 155 for 245 156 Solicitor, Office of the — Appropriation for 245 443 Compensation of Solicitor 245 Strikes against U. S. Government, restriction on employment of persons engaging in 259 Transfers of appropriations 248 Labor, Agricultural. See Agricultural Unemployment compensation and emWorkers. ployment service administration, Labor, Department of: appropriation for 12,246 Apprenticeship, Bureau of, appropriaVeterans' Remployment Rights, Bution for 246 reau of, appropriation for 245 Appropriation Act 245 Veterans' unemployment compensation, Appropriation for 12, 118,245 appropriation for 13 Civilian war benefits, appropriation for_ 247 Wage and H o u r Division, appropriation Detention by enemy, compensation for for 248 death or disability after 134 War-risk hazards, compensation for inEmployees' Compensation, Bureau of— juries or deaths resulting from, Appeals Board, Employees' Compenemployees of U. S. contractors outsation, appropriation for 247 side United States 134 Appropriation for 247 Women's Bureau, appropriation for 248 District of Columbia, transfer of funds from 279 Labor, Secretary of. See Labor, Department of. Employees' compensation fund, conLabor Disputes, termination date of settletributions by Small Business Adm e n t provisions under Defense P r o ministration 235 duction Act 131 Emplo3'ment Security, Bureau of, appropriation for 12, 246 Labor-Management Panel, appropriation General provisions. Appropriation for 259 ' Acts 119,248,259 Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947, appropriation for effecting provisions. 245, G r a n t s to States, appropriation for 246, 247 Labor Standards, Bureau of, appropri257, 258, 259 ation for 245 Labor Relations Board, National. See Labor Statistics, Bureau of— National Labor Relations Board. Appropriation for 13, 248 Labor Standards, Bureau of. See under Labor, Department of. Consumer price index, funds for 13 Korea—Continued Assistance to — C o n t i n u e d Authority Reduction in a m o u n t of Army goods and services Unexpended balances of mutual-security funds, availability of Civilian relief, appropriation for Relief and rehabilitation in, funds available Suspension of tonnage duties, proclamation Korean Reconstruction Agency, United States, Contributions to: Appropriation authori zed Appropriation for Army goods and services, reduction Unexpended balances, availability Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, Naval Air Station, construction of facilities authorized