Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/272

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Floods, etc.

Government contracts.


T e c h n i c a l and managerial aids.

PUBLIC LAW 163-JULY 30, 1953



effected either directly or in cooperation with banks or other lending institutions through agreements to participate on an immediate or deferred basis: Provided, however, That the foregoing powers shall be subject to the following restrictions and limitations: (1) No financial assistance shall be extended pursuant to (a) above unless the financial assistance applied for is not otherwise available on reasonable terms and all loans made shall be of such sound value or so secured as reasonably to assure repayment; no immediate participation may be purchased unless it is shown that a deferred participation is not available; and no loan may be made unless it is shown that a participation is not available; (2) No loan shall be extended pursuant to (a) above if the total amount outstanding and committed (by participation or otherwise) to the borrower from the revolving fund established by this title would exceed $150,000, and no loan, including renewals or extensions thereof, may be made for a period or periods exceeding ten years, except that any loan made for the purpose of constructing industrial facilities may have a maturity of ten years plus such additional period as is estimated may be required to complete such construction; (3) I n agreements to participate in loans on a deferred basis, such participations by the Administration shall not be in excess of 90 per centum of the balance of the loan outstanding at the time of disbursement; (b) to make such loans as the Administration may determine to be necessary or appropriate because of floods or other catastrophes: Provided, That no such loan including renewals and extensions thereof may be made for a period or periods exceeding ten years except that where such loan is for acquisition or construction (including acquisition of site therefor) of housing for the personal occupancy of the borrower, it may be made for a period not to exceed twenty years; (c) to enter into contracts with the United States Government and any department, agency, or officer thereof having procurement powers obligating the Administration to furnish articles, equipment, supplies, or materials to the Government; (d) to arrange for the performance of such contracts by negotiating or otherwise letting subcontracts to small-business concerns or others for the manufacture, supply, or assembly of such articles, equipment, supplies, or materials, or parts thereof, or servicing or processing in connection therewith, or such management services as may be necessary to enable the Administration to perform such contracts; and (e) to provide technical and managerial aids to small-business concerns, by advising and counseling on matters in connection with Government procurement and on policies, principles, and practices of good management, including but not limited to cost accounting, methods of financing, business insurance, accident control, wage incentives and methods engineering, by cooperating and advising with voluntary business, professional, educational, and other nonprofit organizations, associations, and institutions and with other Federal and State agencies, by maintaining a clearinghouse for information concerning the managing, financing, and operation of small-business enterprises, by disseminating such information, and by such other activities as are deemed appropriate by the Administration.