Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/445

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67 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 205-AUG. 7, 1953

(e) Nothing in this Act shall impair^ amend, or modify the antitrust laws or limit and prevent their application to persons who acquire property under the provisions of this Act. As used in this section, the term "antitrust laws" includes the Act of July 2, 1890 (ch. 647, 26 Stat. 209), as amended; the Act of October 15, 1914 (ch. 323, 38 Stat. 730), as amended; the Federal Trade Commission Act; and the Act of August 27, 1894 (ch. 349, secs. 73, 74, 28 Stat. 570), as amended. SEC. 4. The Commission shall be furnished upon its request all available information concerning the Government-owned rubberproducing facilities in the possession of any department, agency, officer, Government corporation, or instrumentality of the United States concerned with Government-owned rubber-producing facilities. SEC. 5. The Commission shall proceed as promptly as practicable, conducting such hearings as may be necessary, with the disposal of the rubber-producing facilities in compliance with the provisions of this Act. SEC. 6. (a) Without regard to the civil-service laws or the Classification Act of 1949, the Commission shall be authorized to employ professional, clerical, and stenographic assistance, and shall be further authorized to request and, with the consent of the head of any department, agency. Government corporation, or instrumentality of the United States concerned with the Government-owned rubber-producing facilities, receive the assistance of any employee thereof: Provided, That rates of pay for personnel employed by the Commission shall be in accordance with the Classification Act of 1949. (b) No member of the Commission and no person employed by the Commission as an attorney, agent, or employee in activities involving discretion with respect to negotiations or contracts of sale of the Government-owned rubber-producing facilities, shall, during the period of such employment, or for a period of two years thereafter, be employed in any capacity by any purchaser, or affiliate thereof. No purchaser or affiliate thereof shall employ in any capacity any person, who has served as a member of the Commission or who was employed by the Commission and served the Commission as an attorney, agent, or employee in activities involving discretion with respect to negotiations or contracts of sale of the Government-owned rubber-producing facilities, while any such person is serving as a member or employee of the Commission or for a period of two years thereafter. Any person violating the provisions of this subsection shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. SEC. 7. (a) The Commission shall invite, upon adequate notice and advertisement, proposals for the purchase of the Government-owned rubber-producing facilities, hereafter referred to as the "facilities". The period for the receipt of proposals shall be determined and publicly announced by the Commission, and in no event shall be less than six months after the first day on which proposals may be received pursuant to the advertisement. The advertisement shall be in such form, contain such specifications and reservations, and be published in such manner as the Commission in its discretion determines will best effectuate the purposes of this Act. All data concerning such facilities which in the judgment of the Commission may be reasonably required for the suomission of a bona fide proposal shall be furnished by the Commission upon request by any prospective purchaser unless the Commission has reason to believe that such prospective purchaser has not identified his principal, or is not financially responsible, or is a poor security risk. (b) Proposals shall be in writing, and shall contain, among other things— (1) identification of the person in whose behalf the proposal is submitted, including the business affiliation of such person;

Antitrust laws.



Employees. 63 Stat. 954. 5 USC 1071 note.


P r o p o s a l s for purchase.