Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/559

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67 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 246-AUG. 8, 1953


be in the membership of the schools of such agency at the close of the regular school year 1953-1954 and who will otherwise be without such facilities at such time. For the purposes of the preceding sentence, the number of such children who will otherwise be without such facilities at such time shall be determined by reference to those facilities which (A) are built or under contract as of the date set by the Commissioner under section 303 for filing applications for payments from the funds out of which such Federal share is to be paid, or (B) as of the date the application for such project is approved, are included in a project for which funds have been set aside under title II or in a project the application for which has been approved under this title. a LIMITATION ON TOTAL PAYMENTS TO ANY LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY

"SEC. 305. (a) Subject to the limitations in subsections (c) and (d), the total of the payments to a local educational agency under this title may not exceed the sum of the following: " (1) The estimated increase, since the regular school year 19511952, in the number of children residing on Federal property with a parent employed on Federal property (situated in whole or in part in the same State as the school district of such agency or within reasonable commuting distance from such school district), multiplied by 95 per centum of the average per pupil cost of constructing minimum school facilities in the State in which the school district of such agency is situated; and " (2) The estimated increase, since the regular school year 19511952, in the number of children residing on Federal property, or residing with a parent employed on Federal property (situated in whole or in part in the same State as the school district of such agency or within reasonable commuting distance from such school district), multiplied by 50 per centum of the average per pupil cost of constructing minimum school facilities in the State in which the school district of such agency is situated; and " (3) The estimated increase, since the regular school year 19511952, in the number of children whose membership results directly from activities of the United States (carried on either directly or through a contractor), multiplied by 45 per centum of the average per pupil cost of constructing minimum school facilities in the State in which the school district of such agency is situated; but this paragraph (3) shall not apply unless the school district of such agency is partly or wholly situated within an area with respect to which, for the purposes of this Act, the President finds: (A) that a new defense plant or installation has been or is to be provided therein, or an existing defense plant or installation therein has been or is to be reactivated or its operation substantially expanded, and (B) that substantial in-migration of defense workers or military personnel is required to carry out activities at such plant or installation, and (C) after consultation with the Commissioner, that the minimum school facilities required for the free public education of the children of such defense workers or military personnel are not available. For purposes of this paragraph, the Commissioner shall not consider as activities of the United States those activities which are carried on in connection with real property excluded from the definition of Federal property by the last sentence of paragraph (1) of section 210, but shall ^if the local educational agency so elects pursuant to subsection (b)) consider as children whose membership results directly from activities of the United States children residing on Federal property or residing with a parent employed on Federal property.


20 USC 280.