Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/57

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67 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 17-APR. 4, 1953

amended (ch. 828, 56 Stat. 1092-1093; ch. 371, 58 Stat. 679-682; ch. 70, 61 Stat. 96; ch. 356, 65 Stat. 207), as extended by section 4(e) of the Act of June 24, 1948 (62 Stat. 608), and as it read before the enactment of Public Laws 313 and 450, Eighty-second Congress, is further amended as follows: (a) Section 2 (58 Stat. 679) is amended by deleting "interned in a neutral country, captured by an enemy" and inserting in lieu thereof "interned in a foreign country, captured by a hostile force". (b) Section 6 (56 Stat. 145) is amended by deleting "in the hands of an enemy or is interned in a neutral country" and inserting in lieu thereof "in the hands of a hostile force or is interned in a foreign country". (c) Section 9 (58 Stat. 681) is amended by deleting "in the lands of an enemy" and inserting in lieu thereof "in the hands of a hostile force" and by deleting "such enemy" and inserting in lieu thereof "such hostile force". (d) Section 12 (65 Stat. 207) is amended by deleting "interned in a neutral country, or captured by the enemy" and inserting in lieu thereof "interned in a foreign country, or captured by a hostile force". (e) Section 14 (56 Stat. 147) is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 14. The provisions of this Act applicable to persons captured by a hostile force shall also apply to any person beleaguered or besieged by a hostile force." (f) Section 15 (56 Stat. 147, 1093) is amended by deleting everything following the words "and shall remain in effect until" and inserting in lieu thereof "February 1, 1954". SEC. 2. Section 1(a)(7) of the Emergency Powers Continuation Act (ch. 570, 66 Stat. 331) is repealed without effect upon rights accrued, liabilities incurred, or actions taken thereunder. Approved April 4, 1953. Public Law 17

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50 USC 1006.


50 USC 1009.


50 USC 1012.


50 USC 1014.


50 1015.

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AN ACT To amend section 3841 of the Revised Statutes relating to the schedules of the arrival and departure of the mail, to repeal certain obsolete laws relating to the postal service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3841 of the Revised Statutes (sec. 7, title 39, United States Code) is hereby amended by striking out the clause reading: "and he shall cause to be kept and returned to the Department, at short and regular intervals, registers, showing the exact times of the arrivals and departures of the mail.", and by inserting, in lieu thereof, a clause to read as follows: "and he shall cause to be kept- and forwarded to the Department, or designated field offices, such reports as he may consider necessary." SEC. 2. The Act entitled "An Act to reclassify postmasters and employees of the postal service and readjust their salaries and compensation on an equitable basis," approved June 5, 1920 (41 Stat. 1045), as amended, is hereby further amended by striking out the paragraph reading: "A clerk in charge is defined as a clerk in charge of a railway post office, terminal railway post office, or transfer office whether he performs service alone or has a crew of clerks under his supervision, or of a tour or a crew within a tour of a terminal railway post office or transfer office."

i^ril 4, 1953 [H. R. 3062]

Postal Service. Mail reports.


39 USC 620.