Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/638

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PUBLIC LAW 284-AUG. 15, 1953

[67 S T A T.

corner of section 8, township 3 north, range 6 east, Wind River meridian. Station 141 to 142, bearing south, distance one-half mile from the before-described corner, the course bears south on the W - W one sixty-fourth line to the S W - S W one sixty-fourth corner of said section 8. Station 142 to 143, bearing east, distance one-eighth mile, thence east to the C - S - S W one sixty-fourth corner of said section 8. Station 143 to 144, bearing south, distance one-eighth mile, thence south to the west one-sixteenth corner between sections 8 and 17, township 3 north, range 6 east, Wind River meridian. Station 144 to 145, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, from said west one-sixteenth corner the course bears south on the west one-sixteenth line of said section 17 to the northwest one-sixteenth corner thereof. Station 145 to 146, bearing west, distance one-eighth mile, thence west on the north one-sixteenth line of said section 17 to the C - W - N W one sixty-fourth corner thereof. Station 146 to 147, bearing south, distance one-eighth mile, thence south to the S W - N W one sixty-fourth corner of said section 17. Station 147 to 148, bearing west, distance one-eighth mile from the aforesaid S W - N W one sixty-fourth corner, the course bears west to the S-N one sixty-fourth corner in the section line between sections 17 and 18, township 3 north, range 6 east, Wind River meridian. Station 148 to 149, bearing west, distance ninety-seven onehundredths mile from said S-N one sixty-fourth corner, the course bears west to a point that corresponds to the S-N one sixty-fourth corner in the township boundary between section 18, township 3 north, range 6 east. Wind River meridian, and section 13, townsnip 3 north, range 5 east. Wind River meridian. Station 149 to 150, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west from said point to the C - S - N E one sixty-fourth corner of said section 13. Station 150 to 151, bearing south, distance three-eighths mile, thence south on the east one-sixteenth line to the southeast one-sixteenth corner of said section 13. Station 151 to 152, bearing east, distance one-eighth mile, thence east from said southeast one-sixteenth corner to the C - E - S E one sixty-fourth corner of section 13. Station 152 to 153, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, thence south on the E - E one sixty-fourth line to the E - E one sixty-fourth corner in the boundary between sections 13 and 24, township 3 north, range 5 east. Wind River meridian. Station 153 to 154, bearing south, distance one mile from said corner, the course continues on the E - E - o n e sixty-fourth line to the E - E one sixty-fourth corner in the boundary between sections 24 and 25, township 3 north, range 5 east. Wind River meridian. Station 154 to 155, bearing east, distance one-eighth mile, thence east on said boundary to the corner, in the township line, common to sections 24 and 25, township 3 north, range 5 east. Wind River meridian and sections 19 and 30, township 3 north, range 6 east. Wind River meridian. Station 155 to 156, bearing east, distance two hundred and twentyeight one-thousandths mile, thence east along section line between lot 4 of section 19 and lot 1 of section 30 to the W - W one sixty-fourth corner common to said lots. Station 156 to 157, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north along the east boundary of said lot 4, section 19 to the SW onesixteenth corner of said section.