Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/824

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Whereas the many opportunities which exist for women in the field of aviation are constantly increasing; and Whereas the organization of women pilots generally known as the "Ninety-Nines, Incorporated" symbolizes the participation of women in the development of aviation; and Whereas, in tribute to the accomplishment of Wilbur and Orville Wright and to the swift progress which has been made in the field of aviation in the past fifty years, such organization has sponsored a transcontinental air race on July 3, 1953j from Lawrence, Massachusetts, to Long Beach, California, in which more than fifty women pilots will participate; and Whereas such transcontinental air race is the first east-west flight competition by resourceful and courageous women who are following the great tradition of Amelia E a r h a r t; and Whereas such transcontinental air race in the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the first successful controlled powered flight symbolizes the important role of women in the field of aviation: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring)^ gres^sr eTc.°^ ^ ° " ' T^at, in this fiftieth anniversary year of the first successful controlled powered flight in heavier-than-air craft by Wilbur and Orville Wright, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on December 17, 1903, the Congress hereby— (1) expresses its high esteem of and great regard for the important part played by women in the development of aviation in the past fifty years; (2) expresses the hope that women will continue to take an increasingly important part in the field of aviation in the future; and (3) extends its best wishes for the success of the first east-west transcontinental air race on July 3, 1953, from Lawrence, Massachusetts, to Long Beach, California, under the sponsorship of the organization of women pilots generally known as the "Ninety-Nines, Incorporated", in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the first successful controlled powered flight in heavier-than-air craft P a s s e d June 30, 1953. July 27, 1953

[S. Con. Res. 26]

DEPORTATION SUSPENSIONS Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That the Congress favors the suspension of deportation in the case of each alien hereinafter named, in which case the Attorney General has suspended deportation for more than six months: V-906583, Addad, Encarnacion Javier. A-5351162, Alava, Moises. A-6495336, Alfonso, Daniel Rafael Ortiz. A-7773135, Arguello De Martinez, Amelia. A-7418113, Armas, Jose or Armas Jose Noguera. A-7270837, Atkinson, Vance Loval alias Vance Alistaire Bowman. A-5357364, Bley, Ernst Ferdinand Max. A-5980513, Brown, William Nicholas. A-9825258, Carabelos, Francisco Acebedo. V-996015, Castaneda, Dilia or Dilia Molena-Suarez. PR-0949374, Chin, Boon Lup. V-13540, Chu, Chih-Li or Ou Yang Chiyen Chu (nee Ou Yang Chiyen). V-778424, Chu, Ou Yang Chiyen (nee Ou Yang Chiyen). A-5661960, Davis, Jack Joseph Alexander.