Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/979

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SUBJECT Appropriations—Continued Page Post Office Department, designation of Armed Forces personnel as postal clerks, authorized 56 Refugee Relief Act of 1953, authorized- _ 407 Appropriation for 426 School facilities in Federalh^-affected areas, assistance to local communities, authorized 522, 527, 528 Appropriation for 424 Small Business Administration, a u t h o r ized 233,240 Appropriation for 427 Statement of appropriations, preparation, appropriation for 326 T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands, administration, authorized 495 Appropriation for 119, 273, 424 W e a the r Control, Advisory Committee on, authorized 561 Arapaho Tribe, Wind River Reservation, Wyo.: Compensation for lands in Riverton reclamation project, etc 592 P e r capita payments from t r u s t funds- _ 179 Arbitration and Emergency Boards, National Mediation Board, appropriation for 14, 258 Arboretum, National, appropriation for._ 209 Arch Hurley Conservancy District, Tucumcari Reclamation Project, N. Mex., development period authorized 243 Architect of the Capitol: Appropriation for 10, 59, 119, 327 Capitol buildings and grounds. See separate title. Claims, Court of, appropriation for repairs and improvements 333 Printing and binding, appropriation for. 330 Supreme Court building and grounds, appropriation for care of _ 333 Travel expenses, funds available 327 W h i t m a n S t a t u e, authority for placem e n t and ceremonies B5 Ardmore Air Field, Okla., rescission of prior construction authorization. 458 Argentia, Newfoundland, rescissions of prior naval construction authorization 453, 455 Arizona: Higher education, consent of Congress to interstate compact by Western States 490



Arizona—Continued Page Indians, sale of liquor to, consent of United States to repeal of State constitutional provisions relating to 5S6 Nogales sanitation project, operation and maintenance agreement, authorization 195 Arkansas, Monroe C o u n t y, conveyance of land by Department of the Interior to State _. 185 Arkansas-White-Red River Area, a p p r o priation for agricultural development214 Arlington National Cemetery, restriction on payment to retired officer detailed on active d u t y a t 197 Armed Forces. See also individual services. Activities interfering with operation of, penalty, continuation of emergency powers 134 Aliens serving in, naturalization 108 American National Red Cross, acceptance of cooperation 178 Emergency powers continuation 18, 131 Claims— Continuation of emergency powers with respect to 18, 131 Time extension for filing claims for loss of property in military service 317 Commissary stores, restrictions; authority for p r i v a t e operation 353 Commissioned officer personnel on active d u t y, limitation on n u m b e r. _ 6 Dependents Assistance Act of 1950, extension 6 Desertion between Aug. 14, 1945, and June 25, 1950, granting of a m n e s t y and pardon to persons convicted of c24 Disbursing officers, transaction of p u b lic business in e v e n t of death, etc., of; limitation 296 Discharge, repeal of authority to purchase 174 Emergency powers continuation 18, 131 Free postage for members in specified areas, extension 7 Gifts from members on d u t y abroad, time extension of free-entry privilege 22 Missing Persons Act, amendments; extension 20