Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68A.djvu/23

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TABLE OF CONTENTS C H A P T E R 39. Regulatory T a x e s — C o n t i n u e d SUBCHAPTER C. Adulterated b u t t e r and filled cheese—Continued Part II. Filled cheese. Subpart A. Tax on products. Sec. 4831. Imposition of tax Sec. 4832. S t a m p s Sec. 4833. Requirements applicable to m a n u f a c t u r e r s. _ Sec. 4834. Requirements applicable to wholesale and retail dealers Sec. 4835. Administrative decisions Sec. 4836. Cross references Subpart B. Occupational tax. Sec. 4841. Imposition of tax Sec. 4842. Cross references Subpart C. Definitions. Sec. 4846. Definitions SUBCHAPTER D. C o t to n futures. Part I. General provisions. Sec. 4851. Imposition of tax Sec. 4852. Definition Sec. 4853. For m and validity of contracts Sec. 4854. C o t to n standard s Part II. Exemptions. Sec. 4861. S p o t cotton Sec. 4862. Definition of bona fide spot m a r k e t s Sec. 4863. Basis grade contracts _— Sec. 4864. Tendered grade contracts Sec. 4865. Specific grade contracts__-_ Part III. Administrative provisions. Sec. 4871. M e t h o d of payment Sec. 4872. Collection and enforcement Sec. 4 8 7 3. Liability of principal for acts of agent Sec. 4874. I m m u n i t y of witnesses Sec. 4875. Operation of State laws Sec. 4876. Reports of Secretary of Agriculture Sec. 4877. Cross references -SUBCHAPTER E. Circulation other than of national banks. Sec. 4881. Imposition of tax Sec. 4882. Definition of b a n k or banker Sec. 4883. Exemptions Sec. 4884. R e t u r n s and payment of tax Sec. 4885. E s t i m a t i o n of o u t s t and i n g circulation in default of r e t u r n Sec. 4886. Cross references SUBCHAPTER F. Silver bullion. Sec. 4891. Imposition of tax Sec. 4892. Definitions Sec. 4893. Liability for tax Sec. 4894. A b a t e m e n t or refund Sec. 4895. S t a m p s Sec. 4896. Applicability _. Sec. 4897. Cross references C H A P T E R 40. General Provisions Relating to Occupational Taxes. Sec. 4901. Payment of tax Sec. 4902. Liability of part n e r s Sec. 4903. Liability in case of business in more than one location Sec. 4904. Liability in case of different businesses of same ownership and location _ Sec. 4905. Liability in case of death or change of location_l Sec. 4906. Application of State laws Sec. 4907. Federal agencies or instrumentalities


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